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The Mutt Imperium Gazette.

The Mutt Imperium Gazette.

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11 верес. 2015, 22:2811.09.15

The Mutt Imperium Gazette.

Extracts from issue 114, 5th Muttinia 1 AMI.

from the Imperial Army section:

Noman's sector invaded!

After the treacherous attack of Noman to our beloved ally Jade_Rain's home sector It's a trap!, His Highness has decided to support her sending a crushing attack to our mutual foe; the results are very much welcomed:

The losses have been very contained, and His Highness want to commend the performance of the invading force. Regrettably, we must inform the loss in the battle of one of our more valuable tank commanders, Killian Bennet, Lt. Colonel of His Imperial Armored Corps, and Heir of Lord of Kopland. 

Until further notice, noman's sector will be a Titanium producing colony.

from the Mutt Castle section:

Mutt Castle invaded by ionutboss!

In a very treacherous move, ionutboss, after launching a Tactical Missile attack, has invaded our home sector with an overwhelming force of more than 1500 Plasma Cannons. The Imperial Information Service has been able to spot the invading force, allowing to shelter all our forces before the crushing attack. After the invasion, The Imperial Army launched two liberation attacks, that although became defeats, caused crushing losses to the enemy forces of more that 6 millions in resources, totalling more than 750 enemy Plasma Cannons destroyed. After the non fructuous second attack, His Highness has stopped the operations. A final reconnoitre has spotted the enemy occupation forces:

For the moment, the orders for civilians are to collaborate with the invader to restrain as much as possible the damage to them. Wait for further instructions and news.

from the Mutt Castle section:

Good performance at the Upgrade Challenge Tournament

His Highness want to congratulate all the civilian and Imperial Servers engaged in the jobs done for the competition in the last Upgrade Challenge Tournament. Your hard work have pleased Him, and allowed a good prize for Mutt Castle:

For their special contributions toward this success, His Highness want to honour the following people:

Hemma Cullings, ViceDirector of the Trade Directorate receives the title of Master Trader of the Imperial Economics Bureau for his commercial actions that provided essential amounts of titanium and uranium for the upgrade works..

Terry Salgados, Chief Investigator of Research Office 12 and Grade 12 of the Imperial Institute receives the title of Savant of the Imperial Academy and Grade 17 of the Imperial Institute for his insightful direction in the investigation that led to the completion of an antigravity technology breakthrough.

Aloisse Destierres, geoengineer in the Mines Directorate and Grade 6 of the Imperial Institute receives a Commendation as ArchWorker of the Order of Stannajhov for the outstanding output the Uranium Mine #4 accomplished after his reconditioning works.

Sigmund Hass, Heir of Baronet of Leopoldsfelds and Colonel of the Imperial Air Forces Transport Corps receives a Commendation as Chevalier of the Oskun Order and the Silver Vulture Medal with Double Beak for his valour and constant inspiration leading 5 raids into enemy sectors that provided fundamental resources needed in the upgrading works.

12 верес. 2015, 00:2112.09.15
30 серп. 2019, 12:03(відредаговано)
your post both annoys me and hurts my head, if i could be ***** id invade you and watch you bounce hehe
12 верес. 2015, 13:3012.09.15
29 груд. 2018, 17:09(відредаговано)

It's RP, let him do whatever he wants.

The forum is empty enough, maybe it's a good idea to so something "new"...
12 верес. 2015, 13:3912.09.15
26 жовт. 2020, 12:03(відредаговано)

Are you only going to tell about your own experience in the game? Or making more newsbulletins.

Also you put this in CLANS. Do you think this is the right spot for it?

12 верес. 2015, 23:3712.09.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:40(відредаговано)


Hi everybody (well, may be to CK is better to launch a pair of Nuke attacks, , just to show how Emperor Mutt takes his warm welcome). This is a thread for posting excerpts from the truly HUGE official pamphlet of the Mutt Imperium (take 500 to 1000 pages daily). In such many pages lot of stuff have space, from Imperial Information Service public notes about Wastelands, other sector's news (especially from friends and allies) to general things about the game, but, yes, this is mainly a Mutt Imperium related thread. But.... if anyone want to provide stories, is as easy as to PM me and we will see how to add it.

About the spirit of the thread, yes, is fully Role Play. I want it that way, and it will continue as it.

Maniakaal, regarding the inclusion in clan subforum, well, apart from the nice indication in the note that accompanies it: "Brag about your Clan! Recruit more members or just intimidate your rivals!" -and in part it is just to do so (to brag, to be clear)-, I want it to be a hook to possible clan members; so, Wasteland Commanders, if you want to become Lords, Barons, Earls, or even Great ArchDukes of the mighty Mutt Imperium, well, apply!. The Clan description is a nice indicator of what you will encounter, and your recruit phase will provide you with a complete and nice taste of what you will experience with us. So, Mania, up to you if you think that this thread will be better under other subforum, but for me, it belongs to the Clans one. 


13 верес. 2015, 01:5413.09.15
30 серп. 2019, 12:03(відредаговано)
soon as a i get a c deal im telporting in and crushing his spirit
13 верес. 2015, 02:5113.09.15
29 груд. 2018, 17:02(відредаговано)

Extracts from issue 115, 6th Muttinia 1 AMI.

from the Imperial Information Service section:

ionutboss' invader forces commit atrocities!!

In the early morning, near the Research Centre, on an small and dark alley, a patrol of the Mutt Castle Constabulary Corps has discovered the rests of two denizens, heavily mutilated and disfigured; they have been identified by their subcutaneous Id Chips as two uranium miners residing in Vault #4. By the character of their wounds the patrol immediately suspected of a cyberdog attack. Under the accord between the Mutt Castle civilian representatives and the ionutboss invader forces, the Constabulary is the main security corps in the civil areas, reporting directly to the High Command of the enemy. So the Acting Rotation Commander of the Constabulary, our beloved Lons Harding, Heir of the Marquis of Exxether, went to them to inform and reclaim about a suspected enemy cyberdog activity against civilians. To the dismal and horror of the ARC of the Constabulary, General Radu Ionescu -Deputy Chief of the invader forces- answered: "You know, our cyberdogs needs some meat; but I need to complain to you, three of them are ill after that supper; you must start to feed better your pigs or we will need to start to take correcting measures!"

Imperial House sources has expressed his disbelief at such enemy attitude, citing that His Highness, always loving cyberdogs, regards human meat bad food overall for them. Literally: "... in reality only traitors make good cyberdog meat, and only for the example they provide."

The Imperial Civilian Office has recommended to all civilians to be confined in their vaults or job posts before dusk, and to not go out until sunrise.

from the Mutt Castle section:

Impressive achievements of our scientists!

His Highness want to congratulate to all the staff of the Imperial Institute and the Imperial Academy engaged in the research activities that resulted today in two breakthroughs in Bionics and Nuclear Cells that will allow to start to produce at Mutt Castle Valkyries and Mongoose ASV tanks. 27 people has been honoured by their contributions to these advances (full list in the appendix #67) but we want to remark the one gone to our beloved Otto von Newmann-Brawn, Great Savant of the Imperial Academy and grade 45 of the Imperial Institute, vaporised a month ago doing an experiment with subcritical amounts of plutonium-thorium in spherical beryllium casings intended to be used as main energy sources for tank engines. To him His Highness has awarded the Platinum-Curium Medal for Le Valeur Civìle with Darwin Mention, and a posthumous Commendation as Great Chevalier of the Order of Oskun.

from the Mutt Castle section:

A great victory!! The Imperial Army leaded by His Highness Himself liberates Mutt Castle!!!

After the Imperial Information Office has spotted a reinforcement coming from ionutboss' sector, His Highness have ordered that a reconnoitre of the invading forces was made. To the surprise of everyone in the Imperial Army Joint Corps Office, ionutboss have depleted the invading forces, leaving a meagre garrison of 697 cyberdogs. Seeing the opportunity the Imperial Army have assembled and leaded by His Highness with His Imperial Battlecruiser at the front, launching a prompt attack to the enemy and gaining a crushing victory against our foe and their most hated cyberdogs:

To add shame to shame over ionutboss and his overly inept command, their reinforcements have arrived as scheduled and are now contributing to Mutt Castle defence!

His Highness has declared 6th Muttinia as a Victory Day, and from now on will be remembered and feasted by an increase in food rations of 25% , 50% and 100% (civil, military and noblesse).

13 верес. 2015, 03:0813.09.15
29 груд. 2018, 17:02(відредаговано)

Communication 09907L/F - 7th Muttinia 1 AMI.

TO: CK-Basilius Errant Le'reaper

His Highness has ordered me to arrange the means to send you a much loving present that shows in what regards His Highness consider you. With greetings from all the Imperial Strategic War Command:

His Highness humble servant,

Soggo Ng. Ngano,

Lord of Xhumilla,

2* General, Great Chevalier of the Oskun Order and Deputy Commander of the Imperial Strategic War Command.

14 верес. 2015, 22:1814.09.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:40(відредаговано)

LOL Basilius, let him do his RP, it's kinda funny.

You are not oblige to read it :P
15 верес. 2015, 03:0315.09.15
30 серп. 2019, 12:03(відредаговано)
Crushing spirit is fun tho
15 верес. 2015, 05:1715.09.15

CK-Basilius Errant Le'reaper said:

Crushing spirit is fun tho

Wonder if I'll make the front page haha :P

15 верес. 2015, 10:1615.09.15
30 серп. 2019, 12:03(відредаговано)
lol, an entire magazine dedicated to the antics of bio and basil double B team
16 верес. 2015, 03:1216.09.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:58(відредаговано)

Extracts from issue 116, 7th Muttinia 1 AMI.

from the Imperial Army section:

An small Infantry Team participates in the failed defense of Jade_Rain's sector against a raid

This early morning, following a successful reconnoitre of our ally sector It's a trap, our garrison there participated in their defence against a quite powerful raiding force that overwhelmed Jade_Rain Army:

It was clear that the defeat has been very damaging to our ally; a source consulted in the Imperial Information Service points that "the attack has taken her totally by surprise, doing a joint army exercise with almost all of her units; seems that the Commanding Staff was resting the moment of the reconnoitre and the following raid. Of course, the result is a total disaster for our ally."

We can confirm that the Commander of the Team garrisoned in It's a Trap, Yaris Fanoulas, 2nd Lt. of the Imperial Raiders Division, has survived the ordeal, but the Imperial Expeditionary Command has been unable to communicate with him because the total chaos that experiments It's a Trap right now.

His Highness have expressed His will to honour the fallen with a Platinum-Curium Medal for Le Valeur Militaire with Alamo Mention; that Commendations will be official the moment the Imperial Expeditionary Command can confirm all the details involving this incident.

from the Mutt Castle section:

A would be walrus launchs a nuke against Mutt Castle!!

An iniquous member of ionutboss' clan, Schnapp, has launched a TT-18 Tactical Missile this evening, causing moderate damages; all within normality in the harassment campaign that seems SpearHead clan has launched against the Imperium. 

But the Imperial Information Service has passed a public communication about this incident, sparking a great discussion in the seine of the Security Analysis community. The communication involves releasing some confidential details about the launch, especially this partially censored message sent by Schnapp himself shortly after his attack:

The Imperial Academy has established a working group to try to extract as much valuable information as possible, citing that walruses launching TT-18 Tactical missiles is a great discovery if Schnapp's message veracity is confirmed.

A very senior official within the Imperial Information Service, soliciting to be left anonymous, points that "Schnapp is probably abusing symbiosis serum; it is well know between the Armored Corps people that the use for too long of this serum, especially if is of high level, produces hallucinations; of course, the detail that walruses got extinct very long ago adds credibility to this hypotheses, whatever say the savants of the Academy".

Some people in the Security circles confirm that the Imperial Strategic War Command is pondering to retaliate launching a multiple nuke attack both against Schnapp and the censored site that Schnapp cites in his message "just in case there are more walruses willing to nuke Mutt Castle".

from the Mutt Castle section:

His Highness honour scientists of the Imperial Institute

In a much celebrated announcement, the Imperial Institute communicates that Research Offices 4 and 7 have completed a full update on Troop gear and Implants, making, in the words of the spokesperson "the perfect complement for the field warrior". 

The full list of commendations is listed in Appendix #12; in the Imperial Academy circle a lot of praises go to two of the honoured:

Serguey Briin, Grade 17 of the Imperial Institute, and Larie Pege, Grade 18 of the Imperial Institute and Savant of the Imperial Academy, both Commended as Great Savants of the Imperial Academy and promoted to Grade 21 of the Imperial Institute, for his works in an enhancement in the visor technology (codenamed GLOGLEGLASE) that allows to integrate in the images the trooper sees inside his full helmet information from the Battle Management System, the Battle CommNets, and any Infantry Intelligence Gathering Microdrone connected to the troop Unit Network.

Requested about further developments in the Troop gear, the spokesperson pointed that "Now Troops are as strong as we can made it without expending indecent amount of resources to gain a very small margin. In summary, they are now at their fullest potential". An anonymous present from the Imperial Academy commented that "may be they can not make them stronger, but surely we can make them run quicker and train faster!". Questioned by some about that commentary, he only pointed to a clasiffied program codenamed TECHNEXUS.

16 верес. 2015, 21:0916.09.15

@Sandomutt (16 September, 2015, 3:12 AM UTC):
Why are half (If not more) of the defending units comprised of offence?

Offence makes very poor defence, unless they're Cyborgs. In which case (for some reason) they're more effective at it than offence.

17 верес. 2015, 07:5117.09.15
SandoMutt said:

Lmao what the heck?