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level down from a headquarter

level down from a headquarter

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9 квіт. 2018, 16:4609.04.18

level down from a headquarter

Is it correct... the time between shooting a headquarter to the next level down is 24 hours? Thats what i´ve read in my explanation....

How can it be, that we shoot a LVL 10 Headquarter at 06.04.2018 4.25 pm, (level down to LVL 9) - that at 07.04.2018 2.36 pm the Headquarter was LVL 8.

that is very annoying ... we create the conditions for one of our clans to level their own HQ on LVL 11. In this case the units were killed in vain ...I find that very negligent of Plarium and also not ok. We do not scrape any units without sense and reason ... it can not be that this is influenced by Plarium.

Agent PavelTechnical Support
10 квіт. 2018, 09:0710.04.18

Hello, Commander!

Please note that the time specified in the battle reports is your regional. Thus it can differ depending on the attacker's regional time zone. 

I have checked the HQ in the server logs and can confirm its level has been downgraded correctly. 24 hours have passed after the previous downgrade.