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Infest not paying out as before..

Infest not paying out as before..

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22 лип. 2019, 01:3622.07.19

Infest not paying out as before..

Older players took advantage of the huge payouts infests used to give. Now the new guys are getting scraps from the infests. How is this fair? 

AlinaCommunity Manager
23 лип. 2019, 14:0523.07.19
jorge said:

Older players took advantage of the huge payouts infests used to give. Now the new guys are getting scraps from the infests. How is this fair? 

Hello, Jorge! Could you please tell me more about your concern? Thanks! 
23 лип. 2019, 14:2323.07.19

jorge said:

Older players took advantage of the huge payouts infests used to give. Now the new guys are getting scraps from the infests. How is this fair? 

Infests have not been changed other than adding new levels for years.  Everybody around now has long since used up any troops they got from previous infest systems.  

2 серп. 2019, 01:3502.08.19
Hi Alina, concern is that players who took advantage of the older infest system can now smash the forces of newer players with minimal loses. This makes it extremely difficult for newer players to develop a formidable army. Every player should have the same tools at their disposal. Give the new guys bows and arrows and the old guys guns and rifles. You know exactly who is going to win. 
AlinaCommunity Manager
6 серп. 2019, 12:4406.08.19

jorge said:

Hi Alina, concern is that players who took advantage of the older infest system can now smash the forces of newer players with minimal loses. This makes it extremely difficult for newer players to develop a formidable army. Every player should have the same tools at their disposal. Give the new guys bows and arrows and the old guys guns and rifles. You know exactly who is going to win. 

Hello, Jorge!

Thanks for explaining this to me. I understand your point here, but we had to add new levels and make changes to develop the game further. I agree that some aspects of the game may seem challenging to our newbies, but the same game cannot be different for two groups of players and we cannot revert such things. 

We do hope for your understanding. 
31 серп. 2019, 05:3231.08.19

I answer with my bad English, the infestations are never the same, in the last year a troop tournament sees the infestations reluctant many fewer troops and no warning to the players of these adaptations during the tournament , a young man of my clan in the Tournament experience hangs with over 70 million power invested ,defeated a few dozen infestations of level 210 to complete to have received 20 million power, and during the tournament there were purchases, infirmary, accelerations to the barracks, upgrades, the 210 ivello revelers that require 12-15 k of force to bring them down rethink with 30 million. here in Italy we are famous er being cheaters and these things we recognize well, they are cheats

3 верес. 2019, 15:1103.09.19
Star Scream said:

Thank you for your concern, but fear not , no one is cheating but the Russians, they are the cheaters here, leave the cheating to them.

- Regards

- Star

Most Highly respected and Trusted player in the TD community

There are no cheats or exploits on Plarium games.  Do not question the system!
3 верес. 2019, 15:1203.09.19
Tdor said:

I answer with my bad English, the infestations are never the same, in the last year a troop tournament sees the infestations reluctant many fewer troops and no warning to the players of these adaptations during the tournament , a young man of my clan in the Tournament experience hangs with over 70 million power invested ,defeated a few dozen infestations of level 210 to complete to have received 20 million power, and during the tournament there were purchases, infirmary, accelerations to the barracks, upgrades, the 210 ivello revelers that require 12-15 k of force to bring them down rethink with 30 million. here in Italy we are famous er being cheaters and these things we recognize well, they are cheats

The infests have a tax, if you do many of them you will always lose.  Be careful when doing them and try to balance the losses with rewards from the infest tournaments.  
15 верес. 2019, 15:1215.09.19
Stick with Candy Crush Jorge, you're not cut out for war games.
15 жовт. 2019, 07:3815.10.19
Look, this is BS - everyones seen Bio's crystal hack. He showed it to us like a  year ago. He clearly has a crystal generating exploit.
18 жовт. 2019, 06:0118.10.19

BiohazarD said:

Star Scream said:

Thank you for your concern, but fear not , no one is cheating but the Russians, they are the cheaters here, leave the cheating to them.

- Regards

- Star

Most Highly respected and Trusted player in the TD community

There are no cheats or exploits on Plarium games.  Do not question the system!

Then how do you explain the 6M free crystals on my account?