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Suggest Fix: key D with Palace < 10 freezes game.

Suggest Fix: key D with Palace < 10 freezes game.

18 серп. 2021, 10:5818.08.21

Suggest Fix: key D with Palace < 10 freezes game.

Pressing 'D' in a Town with Palace less than 10 (so Dominion Ruins inaccessible) causes the game to freeze on white screen with "The Adventurer is heading to the Dominion Ruins" showing, and a progress bar stuck at "Loading... 10%".

Also, the pointing guantlet remains and will not go away, even though can't get into Dominion Ruins due to being less than Palace 10.

Suggestion: Fix it.

18 серп. 2021, 13:3118.08.21

Hi WWO! Thank you. Please forward this request to our technical specialists through the "Ask a question" button by following the link:
Have a good day!😉


18 серп. 2021, 20:1018.08.21

This is the ideas and suggestions forum.

This suggestion is self-evident and entirely self-contained. 

Please pass the suggestion along, as the name of the forum suggests.

I have already spent more time on this in having to report it to you (rather than it already being fixed in one of the multiple updates since the bug appeared) than I am prepared to. It should have been fixed long ago, and I should never have had to wait this long and even had to report it. I will spend no more time on this.

You have been given the suggestion.

Do with it what you will.

Thank you for your understanding. 🙏

=== Thread End ===


21 серп. 2021, 11:1521.08.21
21 серп. 2021, 11:15(відредаговано)

This is the ideas and suggestions forum.

This suggestion is self-evident and entirely self-contained. 

Please pass the suggestion along, as the name of the forum suggests.

I have already spent more time on this in having to report it to you (rather than it already being fixed in one of the multiple updates since the bug appeared) than I am prepared to. It should have been fixed long ago, and I should never have had to wait this long and even had to report it. I will spend no more time on this.

You have been given the suggestion.

Do with it what you will.

Thank you for your understanding. 🙏

=== Thread End ===


Hi WWO! Such requests are not considered by us as "ideas and suggestions", as they require the necessary technical investigations. We may not have received any other requests about the situation you described, so you need to pass this information on to the technicians. 

Thank you in advance! 

21 серп. 2021, 19:0421.08.21
21 серп. 2021, 22:16(відредаговано)


A suggestion is a suggestion. The word is clear.


1. Start game on player with Palace less than 10.

2. Press 'D'.

Does the game freeze for you?

- if yes, please pass along the suggestion they fix that.

- if not, please so report here.

It is your game, bug. I have tried to help you with your game spending my time on your problem. I will not continue to be generous and give you yet more of my time on this matter.

Thank you for your understanding. 🙏

Thank you in advance! :bro:

PLEASE no further response beyond either:

Works for me.


I've passed it along.