Yes, 'Subscription: Trade Relations' means 0 per cent tax to Citadel.
Given the new Citadel level ... this should be handy.
Sent to support:
[Pasting as text for search engines: The ‘Subscription: Trade Relations, 30 Days’ notes ‘Tax on Sending Resources 0%’. Does this include sending resources to the Citadel?'
This is for:
Got back from support:
[Once you purchase the Trade Relations Subscription, you can send resources to the Order Citadel and to the members of your Order without paying taxes.] has been a real friend here on this, too.
: Anyone happen to know if this means no tax on carts to the Citadel, not just to other players?
Groundstomper: Support stated that Trade Relations will be 0% to the Citadel
: Interesting. Thanks. Essentially means you don't lose 1/4 of everything you send to the Citadel. Hmmm.
[My tax to the Citadel is 25.11%.]
: And even if you relay it, it's only -8% to the relayer. Still much better than ~25%.
Groundstomper: I agree. Only reason why I got verification with it is because I had asked the same question if the Trading Guild had that included and their reply was no and it was only through the Trade Relations that would be possible
- To me that would have been a better deal to have that included in the Trading Guild, otherwise I am looking at a total of $40 for both
Skyscanner: I have the subscription 0% tax to Citadel and I spend a lot of time relaying
- it is also worth it just to be able to send 860 M rss to the Citadel each trip