je suis nouveau sur ce jeu et je voudrait envoyer une invitation a un joueur y a til une autre maniere de trouver ce joueur sur la map a part les coordonnées car il se trouve ds un autre royaume que le mienj'ai une position mais c vide ds mon royaume
Enter the kingdom number [Entrez le numéro du royaume].
Press N (
) enter the position you know.
['n', Entrez le poste que vous connaissez.]
You can then click on his town and send him a message. Add him to your contacts, if you like. You will be able to tell him you will invite him if he comes to your kingdom.
Ask your friend which kingdom he is in. You may also be able to find him by clicking on the ES and searching that order. Or doing the same upon the Citadels that surround the forest. Or message the master of the largest order if they know of your friend, or ask him to ask in their Main Chat.
In this game, you need all the friends you can get - (a friend in need is a friend ...).