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'Zone' Boundaries: Ass. - Apo. - RSS ?

'Zone' Boundaries: Ass. - Apo. - RSS ?

22 лют. 2020, 19:0422.02.20

'Zone' Boundaries: Ass. - Apo. - RSS ?

https://plarium.com/forum/en/throne-kingdom-at-war/597_news--updates--and-contests/164293_mini-map-2/ announces the mini-map.

One of the options is to show the tile level 'zone' boundaries.

At one time, it seemed, these boundaries also demarcated the Ass. boundaries.

Since the introduction of Apo.'s, it seems, those boundaries are no longer correct, and, additionally, continue to be changed periodically. They do not seem to be correct for Apo.'s, either.

Anyone know just what the coordinate boundaries for the different 'zones' of Ass., Apo., and RSS tiles?

[Although not a mini-map question, the mini-map display illustrates the question.]

23 лют. 2020, 05:4923.02.20

Let me start by saying that I don't know the coordinate boundaries so I may be telling you things that are clear to you already..

At the moment, the minimap seems to be fairly close to the Ass. and Apo. ranges for lvl 5 and 6 but after that there seems to be some slippage into the next lower range especially on the y axis for lvl 3 and 4.

Rss tiles seem to finish before the minimap boundaries for lvl 5 and 6 but seem closish for 2, 3 and 4. There is some blending that I don't see for Ass. or Apo. so I suspect a different method is used.

In Vikings, Invaders (=Ass.), Ghosts (Apo.) and Rss have different ranges so that may happen here also in future. For example it is possible to see only lvl 6 invaders, lvl 5 ghosts and lvl 4 rss in the one screen.

It is obviously possible to work out the cooordinates but wouldn't it be quicker to use the minimap as a rough locator and then eyeball your target objects especially since the boundaries can change?

23 лют. 2020, 22:1623.02.20

Definitely they all (now) have different ranges.

Used to be, x, 0 100 120 150 175 212 245 256.

(That's probably rss tiles.)

Ass. 1 used to be around 100, now it's around 32.

e.g. Given the need for many millions of runes, and Apo. 6's disappearing so fast, it would be useful to know the boundaries as coordinates to know how many different places to port to so the watchtower can spot them all.
24 лют. 2020, 01:1824.02.20

Had to laugh at myself. I realised after I had posted that I had forgotten what it was like playing on a mobile device. My comments relate to a desktop screen where it is easy to scan a range quickly.

So, let's say we run along y 512 ish

Ass. 0 63 105 144 184 220 241 (256)

Apo. 0 63 105 144 184 220

Rss  0 55 113 160 199 230

So the biggest change from your coord set is the lvl 1 range but lvl 6 has also shrunk a fair percentage.

Now if we try going down x 256 ish just to check that y = 2x (and it seems to be true except for Alpha Ass.)

Ass. 0 127 210 289 368 440 497 (512)

Apo. 0 127 210 289 368 440

Rss  0 100 228 320 402 461

This is just a feeling but I think lvl 7 rss tiles were once the same range as lvl 6 but may now be the same range as lvl 5 and 6.

24 лют. 2020, 16:1324.02.20

> This is just a feeling but I think lvl 7 rss tiles were once the same range as lvl 6

They were.

However, IIRC, a game update has them now spread throughout the k. (You have to do a lot of hunting to find them.)

10 берез. 2020, 20:2410.03.20
10 берез. 2020, 20:33(відредаговано)

Through observation, Apo 6 seems 220:440 - 292:582.

If we take center as 256:512, then this would seem to be Δ 36, or Δx 36, Δy 72 (y=2x).

So, likely Apo 6 range is 220:440 - 292:584.

So no 1 Watchman (radius 60) can cover this whole area of 72y radius (36x ok, though).

Watchman at 256:512 (if you could sit in ES), would cover 214:470 - 298:554.

2 could do it, though (cover Apo 6 range), best at 256:482 & 256:540

- 'best' being closest to mostest, for least travel time.

Nope, need 4 watch points - radius 60 (circle) [42 (square)] would not cover all x.