Equivalent offers on again, now, and some other better candle ones.
> Thanks, WWO. Good info. I need around 750 candles for the next level. Going to take a lot of errands.
Somewhere between 2 and 4 -thousand-, I expect. [Yes, 2,000 - 4,000. Special errands. Total costing less than a few million gold at Item store. i.e. Not out of reach, gold wise - although your fingers may be bleeding, profusely, before you're done.]
It is for this reason that Errand auto-complete ability that comes with VIP levels is so valuable. At great expense.
> Guess i need to take a long vacation from ordering to get them up.
Offer cycle seems to be about 9 weeks to wait between purchases.
[That's based on US$4.99 purchases. I'm guessing shorter if buying higher. Will find out, am done with US$4.99 offers - have, or will have, all the candles I can use from those price points.]
From what I can see (above link), offer cycle still applies for rss / silver / gold, but cycle isn't in play on candles - all are 1,000 x 4.
[{x}, Vigo, Adrian, Sixtus.]
Cycle, on that, is in play, on price, it seems. I see 4k x 4 for US$19.99, others see same for US$9.99.