Why r tournaments and its prizes getting worse and worse !?
I will go strait to the point :
The tournaments are getting worse and worse and prizes from those tournaments r so pathetic and are basically insolting - you need 30 k points for 2 fucking dragons ?
I know you r trying to get people to spend as much money ad they can and this is the way you earn your money but what is too much is really to much...
Listen to the players please...everybody is very unsatisfied except a few credit card guys who don t give a shit about anything...
You r killing the game and you r makinh it worse anf worse...insteaf making it better anf better you r making it worse...
Another isue is offers you people create...again it is for the people with lots of money - I get it but offers are also getting worse and worse...
I used to buy with you and I can afford it to buy even more if I want buy I will not di it because offers r really getting insulting...
Instead meaking better offers and giving better prizes for the tournaments ( xp ,pvp and so on...) you are giving less and less...I will tell you why this a mistake is - with better prizes people will be more involveld in tournaments and will have also more army ( the ones that play tournaments) ..another thing more anf more people will join and you would have a monster game in the future...this current way it is going to go into shit...
Amazing how you don t understand this...noone is attacking anymore and game is becoming boring while you r pushing people into buying...more pople would buy but in this current way they feel cheated and will not buy on purpose...
take care ! :)