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Game Updates! 1.89

Game Updates! 1.89

11 жовт. 2017, 12:2811.10.17

Game Updates! 1.89

Game Updates

Stay up to date in Stormfall: Rise of Balur.

Our newest version contains a wide variety of updates to make your game experience more exciting than ever before.

- New Castle Defense Units. Unleash the power of the fearsome Cerberus, Elemental, and Phoenix to maximize your Castle's protection.

- Special Quest Items. Complete Special Quests instantly with Daily and Weekly Special Quest Auto Completers.

- Champion Upgrade Tournament. Enlighten your Champions and increase their Rank to win incredible Tournament Rewards.

- Champion rebalance. The Skill values of Resource Champions have been tripled. The affected Champions will now produce and store more Resources than ever before.

Fortune favors the brave, my Lord. Make the most of these recent changes and increase your power.

- Plarium Team

11 жовт. 2017, 13:0011.10.17


11 жовт. 2017, 15:2311.10.17
island warrior said:


Glad to hear you liked it, my Lord! :)
11 жовт. 2017, 15:5511.10.17
Update doesn't appear in the Apple App Store!
11 жовт. 2017, 16:3111.10.17

When opening Stormfall on an iPad Pro with IOS 11.0.2 I got the message that a new version was available and to download to continue - clicked on 'continue' button and this took me to the App Store - I clicked on the 'get' button for stormfall and it downloaded as normal.

I clicked on 'open' when the download was complete - Stormfall starts to load and then I get the 'new version available' message - click continue - this takes me back to the App Store with 'open' as the only option - click this and I just go back to the Stormfall starting page where it hangs.

Very awkward when in the middle of a battle!
11 жовт. 2017, 16:5511.10.17
Not working with new iOS iPhone upgrade. Been waiting all day. No happy scot!
11 жовт. 2017, 18:1011.10.17
11 жовт. 2017, 18:3111.10.17
Has anyone using IOS 11.0.2 got this to work yet?
12 жовт. 2017, 03:2712.10.17
What did the champions tab replace on the home screen?
12 жовт. 2017, 16:0912.10.17
BlackWarrior said:

Update doesn't appear in the Apple App Store!
Hello, my Lord! Is everythiong ok now? 
12 жовт. 2017, 16:1012.10.17
Hookwood said:

When opening Stormfall on an iPad Pro with IOS 11.0.2 I got the message that a new version was available and to download to continue - clicked on 'continue' button and this took me to the App Store - I clicked on the 'get' button for stormfall and it downloaded as normal.

I clicked on 'open' when the download was complete - Stormfall starts to load and then I get the 'new version available' message - click continue - this takes me back to the App Store with 'open' as the only option - click this and I just go back to the Stormfall starting page where it hangs.

Very awkward when in the middle of a battle!
Hello, my Lord! I have tried to reproduce this issue and found nothing? Is everything ok now? If you still face this issue, please contact our Help Center
12 жовт. 2017, 16:1112.10.17
River's Cause said:

Not working with new iOS iPhone upgrade. Been waiting all day. No happy scot!
Hello, my Lord! Please contact our Help Center in this case. Please provide support agent with all details. Thank you! 
12 жовт. 2017, 16:1112.10.17
Frontalkraft84 said:


12 жовт. 2017, 16:1312.10.17

Hookwood said:

Has anyone using IOS 11.0.2 got this to work yet?

Yes, I use this version. Everything is ok. Could you please explain what happened, my Lord?

Also, iOS 11.0.3 is available now :)
12 жовт. 2017, 16:1412.10.17
Unitum said:

What did the champions tab replace on the home screen?
Hello! What do you mean, my Lord? 
13 жовт. 2017, 08:5213.10.17
Добрый день!!!!! ТХотелсь бы ометиь, что надо вернуть возмжность щитам и мечам видеть сколько войск находится на бастионе и столице у колег по алянсу!!!!! Сделайте возможность оплачиват сапфиры не тоьк по карте но и по сотовому телефону, черз опиратров сотвой связи!!!!
13 жовт. 2017, 08:5513.10.17
It's not bad,i would like to have option on offence units reinforcement use
13 жовт. 2017, 08:5813.10.17
13 жовт. 2017, 09:06(відредаговано)
Обновлеие это хорошо.но есть много нюансов.1.игра станивится для телефонов тяжелей и что бы подолжить игрт нужно покупать нове модели телефона или планшеты.это я та понимю разработчики не учитывют.2.просьба учитывать мнени играков и сделат игрушку легче чт бы телефон н пиходилось меять.
13 жовт. 2017, 09:0213.10.17
Very nice the new Update <3>
13 жовт. 2017, 09:0413.10.17

It's smoother than previous version. Stats increase on resources champs and good. But a big issue to address is wastage of items due to bad layout designs.

Have you tried activating paragon from divine quest window? It stops for a fraction of a second and when you again touch on the same button it ends up activating champion XP boosts. This has happened with many items and it just complete waste of an item. Please try  correcting that layout, may be arrange buttons in such a way that they don't overlap.

 Interstellar KT forest of the spirits

Thank you

13 жовт. 2017, 09:0713.10.17

nice game

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