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New Units: Fireballs!

New Units: Fireballs!

30 берез. 2017, 10:4730.03.17

New Units: Fireballs!

New Units: Fireballs!

Send Fireballs And Set Darkshine Ablaze!

Lords and Ladies of Stormfall!

Good tidings! New Offensive Units are now available to all warriors who reach Level 30 – Fireballs! Fireballs unleash a force of nature on the Castles of your rivals, inflicting colossal damage.

Furthermore, your enemy will receive no warning that a Fireball is on its way: the element of surprise is on your side!

There are a total of 4 Fireballs available to you, which are split into two different categories: Standard Fireballs and Shadow Fireballs. Shadow Fireballs are special because they leave no trace of their sender: your rivals will never find out who attacked them!

Note: Fireballs are single-use: no Fireballs will return to your Castle after an Attack. The amount of Fireball Attacks you can send to rival Castles each day is also limited.

You can find Fireballs at the Black Market and as part of special offer packages at the Bank – head over there now and set the world on fire!

Fight fire with fire! Get the upper hand on your rivals today!

30 берез. 2017, 11:0830.03.17

I hope we can win them from events as well. 

It is NOT good, if a new feature is available only paying users. 

It is good, if all payable features are available for common users as well.

30 берез. 2017, 11:1830.03.17

Hope so too.

But as always, you can collect sapphires from tournaments and spend them on fireballs too...
30 берез. 2017, 13:1230.03.17
players dont want to spend gems for fun features, like fireball. They prefer to buy chest keys or paragon activator. But if players can win fireballs, they will use them, and maybe next time they will buy them as well. 
30 берез. 2017, 13:3030.03.17
Reach lvl 30 in what? My castle is lvl 74 and I have none available. 
30 берез. 2017, 13:3130.03.17
30 берез. 2017, 13:32(відредаговано)
 This idea sucks.  Money players may love it but I am not a money player.   They don't lose any warriors and it may not even tell me who attacked so 
30 берез. 2017, 13:3430.03.17
 How do 
30 берез. 2017, 13:3530.03.17

So I used one to test. 

First off it is great to knock out wall defenses before hitting a castle.

However, you can fireball your own league on accident so be careful if yountry sending RSS.

That being said, with the 2 additioms this week, the game is being tipped too far to coiners.

I coinba nice bit... A very nice bit. But I hate being obligated to coin just to keep my head aboce water.

So, a number of alliance mates and I will cease coining until we see where this goes. And potentially seek out other games. 

Which kind of sucks because Stormfall RoB was pretty great...

30 берез. 2017, 14:0730.03.17
Tracean's Lord said:

Reach lvl 30 in what? My castle is lvl 74 and I have none available. 
Hi! Can you please check Black Market - Units - Offensive tab? 
30 берез. 2017, 14:3130.03.17

As an additional note:

The castle I fireballed had  max wall defenses (level 10 all)

I killed all his wall def with a 600 Saphire fireball.

The is 600 Saphs to render his 50-100k saph investment useless...

30 берез. 2017, 14:3930.03.17
Sad day for most players! At least in AoW you knew who sent Fb and could police their use somewhat so players who spend a little money on game to enhance the game could still play. From what I have already been told even the castle def (walls etc) don't even absorb some of the Fb attack. For every offence their should b a balancing def so I strongly advise plarium to come up with a counter unit for this new offence. You have an empty building spot so make a bldg that can b upgraded to absorb Fb attacks. There has to b a balance or all you have created is frustration and why would anyone spend money on a def pkg only to lose everything against a weapon that you cannot def against? I know I never will! Please consider a balancing feature to keep the game fun.
30 берез. 2017, 15:1030.03.17
1 positive lower levels have a way to fight back on higher levels
30 берез. 2017, 15:5630.03.17
You say nothing as to how to protect yourself from these fireballs! So now we need to start spending money on your game and saving every sapphire for shields? We will need to stay shielded 24/7 because there is always someone bigger that's going to be attacking!!! I don't like this. Just my opinion though. If I spend my own money on a game it will be because I want to not because I have to. Just saying. 
30 берез. 2017, 15:5630.03.17
30 берез. 2017, 16:28(відредаговано)
Giverofpain said:

 This idea sucks.  Money players may love it but I am not a money player.   They don't lose any warriors and it may not even tell me who attacked so 
Lord, please remember that each Fireball can be used only once so, actually, you need a lot of them in order to make a big attack. 
30 берез. 2017, 15:5930.03.17

Lords and Ladies, I know that having Fireball makes your opponent omnipotent at first glance. However, that's not true. It's just that now you should create new defensive strategies. 

30 берез. 2017, 16:1230.03.17
If it only breaks down the walls or catapults ... ok ... yes i give the weaker players something. can anyone tell if it finishes off def forces ? How much k can it actually kill ?
30 берез. 2017, 16:3030.03.17

DE Slivovics said:

If it only breaks down the walls or catapults ... ok ... yes i give the weaker players something. can anyone tell if it finishes off def forces ? How much k can it actually kill ?

You should learn that by your own experience. Also, if you have Weors Protection on, you won't get hit by the Fireballs.

30 берез. 2017, 16:4030.03.17
It will kill your def troops with a high kill ratio! Apparently from what mates tell me your castle def is all but useless against this weapon, def your castle is no longer an option, troops left out to def are merely a sacrifice made to your attacker! This is a very bad feature and was part of reason I stopped playing AoW but at least there we used to be able to see it coming and identify our attacker, now you can't even do that so be prepared for nothing but frustration when that def pkg you buy is destroyed and you don't even know who did it! Bad Bad move  Plarium! 
30 берез. 2017, 16:5630.03.17
As it was suggested, there has to be a balancing between off and def, I spend some money on the game for some things, in fact I was just waiting last couple weeks for a pkg that offered sketches but not spending a dime now till I have the possibility of defending against a fireball attack somehow!! Why not create a Wizard unit that offers some Fb protection as it is upgraded maybe? When a game ONLY considers one side with NO balance then it isn't fun anymore and remember, for EVERY attacker there is a defender that you have now rendered COMPLETELY helpless to even retaliate by making the attacker invisible, how can you not see that ALL you have done is make this game an exercise in frustration? Why would anyone want to put money out now only to have their castle and troops COMPLETELY helpless? No amount of developing or building troops or castle is worth a penny now!
30 берез. 2017, 17:1230.03.17

Can also confirm this wil wipe Def Units.

To be specific:

I dropped a 600 Saph Fireball on someone that had been pepperong our beacons. Followed by 25 Theives.

Fireball emoties their wall and troops, theives took 100k (with bonus program). Then everyone 50k'd him/her with theives until no rss left.

30 берез. 2017, 19:5930.03.17

Poor choice of addition to the game. It's a blatant pay to win mechanic. I'd urge this is rethought and withdrawn until you come up with a defence unit/building to help at least part counter it.

I've spent a fair bit of money on this game as I enjoyed it, if I'm now going to get ghosts fireballing me and lose troops and defences it is going to get very boring very fast and I will be off to play something else just as quickly.

Think long and hard about what exactly is more important, a large player base that grows with a smaller spend per head or a tiny player base of hard core coiners. Every game I've ever played that had a small player base died pretty quick