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League Attacks

League Attacks

6 листоп. 2018, 08:0406.11.18

League Attacks

League Attacks

Unite your forces and take control of Darkshine.

Coordination is the key to winning any war. Join forces with other League Members in League Attacks and unleash devastating attacks on your enemies.

League Attacks are organized group attacks that can be joined by any League members of the ""Recruit"" Rank or higher. League Attacks can be used to strike rival Beacons or League Fortresses – including Beacons currently controlled by Balur’s forces.

Creating an Attack requires “League Attack Creation” permissions, set by the League Marshal in the Rank Privileges window. With the right permissions, a player can initiate an Attack by going to the “League Attacks” tab in the League Hall. A League Attack can either be created from the Map, by tapping on Beacon or League Fortress, or by tapping the ""Select Target"" button at the bottom of the League Attacks tab at the League Hall.

Once the target is chosen, the initiator will be directed to the League Attack creation area where they can apply a Boost, set a dispatch timer, select their Units, and write a description for the Attack that can be read by the rest of the League. The dispatch timer gives other League Members a window of time in which to join the Attack and send their Units. All readied Units gathered at the initiator’s Castle will be dispatched to the target when the timer expires.

To participate, members of the League must take a Slot in the League Attack itself. The first Slot will always be taken by the League initiator, with two more Slots open automatically. Additional Slots can be opened individually with Sapphires, or all Slots for one Attack can be opened at the same time with a Slot Unlocker Item. Once a player has taken a Slot, they must select the Units they want to take part in the Attack. These Units will need to travel to the initiator’s Castle in order to be ready for dispatch. Any Units that do not arrive in time before the dispatch timer runs out will be returned to their home Castle and will not contribute to the final Attack result.

Note: Certain Stoneheart Abilities - when activated - will benefit every League Member’s army in the Attack. Stoneheart Abilities from League Members joining another player’s League Attack will not be activated unless the initiator has unlocked their Stoneheart Castle.

The strength and size of your combined army depends on the overall Offense and Food Consumption of the participating Units. The Offense of a League Attack can be increased by one of two things: one-time League Attack Offense Boosts, or the 12 h. League Attack Boosts. Both of these can provide either 10% or 25% Offense increases.

The number of Units that can join a League Attack depends on the upgrade Level of the “League Attack Army Size Limit” Lost Art of the Attack initiator. The further you upgrade the Lost Art, the more Units can join your Attack.

You have never had a better chance to crush your rivals! What are you waiting for?

6 листоп. 2018, 13:4106.11.18

How do you search for other leagues now? You took down the tab for that in the league hall to make room for the team attack tab. That was an important link, you cant just get rid of it.

I wanted to attack someone from a specific league this morning and I have no way to get to their league hall to get to their member list. 
6 листоп. 2018, 19:3306.11.18

crumb0318 said:

How do you search for other leagues now? You took down the tab for that in the league hall to make room for the team attack tab. That was an important link, you cant just get rid of it.

I wanted to attack someone from a specific league this morning and I have no way to get to their league hall to get to their member list. 

After spending some time exploring myself I found  the way :) 

Quick travel button on right corner of screen>Rankings >Leagues 

7 листоп. 2018, 01:1307.11.18
Não gostei dessa atualização
7 листоп. 2018, 11:3107.11.18

Natiel 3 said:

Não gostei dessa atualização


Can you share with us more constructive feedback? Why don't you like this update? :)
7 листоп. 2018, 16:1107.11.18
I don’t like it either forcing a lot of people aka smaller leagues to pull the forces they have out of fortress and back to catacombs kinda useless 
8 листоп. 2018, 11:5808.11.18

Rothfuss said:

I don’t like it either forcing a lot of people aka smaller leagues to pull the forces they have out of fortress and back to catacombs kinda useless 


We don't force anyone to attack other players.

If a League is small and it doesn't have any Diplomatic conflicts with other Leagues the chance they will be attacked is quite low.

Plus, they can defend their Fortress all together while attackers are limited.

11 листоп. 2018, 03:0211.11.18
Why don’t I like this update? Forts and beacons are valuable league resources necessary to allow players to grow their armies large enough to be able to defend their castle and provide sufficient defenses to MAYBE hold a fort against this new type of attack. I have heard that forts with a defense of a BILLION defense have been zeroed with these attacks. I don’t see how any moderate sized league (roughly 75 players) can possibly hope to have their players grow large enough to provide the necessary defensive troops. To reach a billion defense (probably not enough to hold) each player would have to provide on average 13.4 million defense to the fort. The food upkeep required is significant, particularly if they aren’t able to use the food reduction a high level fort provides. Holding a fort AND a beacon? I’m laughing at the thought. This update really hurts the newer, smaller leagues and benefits the larger older leagues. Does this explain why I don’t like this update?
12 листоп. 2018, 13:2112.11.18

nerdyhound said:

Why don’t I like this update? Forts and beacons are valuable league resources necessary to allow players to grow their armies large enough to be able to defend their castle and provide sufficient defenses to MAYBE hold a fort against this new type of attack. I have heard that forts with a defense of a BILLION defense have been zeroed with these attacks. I don’t see how any moderate sized league (roughly 75 players) can possibly hope to have their players grow large enough to provide the necessary defensive troops. To reach a billion defense (probably not enough to hold) each player would have to provide on average 13.4 million defense to the fort. The food upkeep required is significant, particularly if they aren’t able to use the food reduction a high level fort provides. Holding a fort AND a beacon? I’m laughing at the thought. This update really hurts the newer, smaller leagues and benefits the larger older leagues. Does this explain why I don’t like this update?

Yes, clear enough. Thanks for this explanation!

 I understand why holding both Beacons and Fortress doesn't look real. I think in this case it's better to focus on the one more important for your League.

While dealing with the League attack, you also need to remember about such thing as diplomatic relations. You can find a player who has good diplomatic skills and who can deal with the Marshal of the attacking League.

I know it's hard, but Stormfall is a war game and you need to be ready to lose your Units. Fortress is not a catacomb where you can just secure keep your Units. It's an object of attack and you need to be ready anyone can attack it any time.

20 листоп. 2018, 13:2620.11.18
22 листоп. 2018, 14:5422.11.18
rakha9 Rakhapratama said:

22 листоп. 2018, 17:3522.11.18
Why the new stuff? Platinum can’t even put the tournament events out on time. It’s always solo xp you can’t even do the champions xp solo event right. You have the tournament and then you don’t do the tournament again for over 7 days , meanwhile you put bg’s, development, hamlet all day everyday. You just ruined my thanksgiving day by not doing the champions xp event. Thanks. 
24 листоп. 2018, 06:0924.11.18
How about not skipping the solo champion xp event every other week. We get all the other events nonstop but the only good one is the champions Xp event. Also need to make a league champions xp event. You guys want to make money and those events will get you money. Those are the only ones I will spend any money. I look everyday hoping the champion event is active but always solo xp, bgs, hamlet and stone heart trials. Please do something about this!! 
24 листоп. 2018, 14:2124.11.18

Rogue Trekkie said:

How about not skipping the solo champion xp event every other week. We get all the other events nonstop but the only good one is the champions Xp event. Also need to make a league champions xp event. You guys want to make money and those events will get you money. Those are the only ones I will spend any money. I look everyday hoping the champion event is active but always solo xp, bgs, hamlet and stone heart trials. Please do something about this!! 

It will come soon, please wait :)

And making it into league event has been forwarded to devs in past for their consideration.
26 листоп. 2018, 12:4526.11.18

Rogue Trekkie said:

Why the new stuff? Platinum can’t even put the tournament events out on time. It’s always solo xp you can’t even do the champions xp solo event right. You have the tournament and then you don’t do the tournament again for over 7 days , meanwhile you put bg’s, development, hamlet all day everyday. You just ruined my thanksgiving day by not doing the champions xp event. Thanks. 


Champions XP Tournament doesn't have a fixed schedule.

That's why the time it's running changes based on the schedule of other Tournaments and Events.
27 листоп. 2018, 00:3327.11.18
To me this is just another way to make us pay more money to protect what we have spent years building. Now we can lose it all in one attack. Zeroing out our hard work just so plarium can take our hard earned money and those who have lots of money can bully us like the old we alliance did!
31 трав. 2019, 03:5331.05.19
31 трав. 2019, 03:54(відредаговано)
Anas Khan 
31 трав. 2019, 03:5531.05.19

Anas Khan  fon n. 9759039062

7 черв. 2019, 09:3807.06.19
Castle 12408153 said:

Anas Khan  fon n. 9759039062

Good day. I'm not sure that I understand you correctly. Could you give me more details regarding your question?
10 черв. 2019, 06:5510.06.19
Boris Shevchenko said:

Castle 12408153 said:

Anas Khan  fon n. 9759039062

Good day. I'm not sure that I understand you correctly. Could you give me more details regarding your question?
He just gave you his phone number lol