Actually, I have been trying to find out how things work, and who does what and how and or with? When I click on a unit I get some information about them, But I just tried to promote one of the members of my League? And have no idea how the rankings go, in which direction, and how do they interact with other players. Nothing that I can see or find is available on this. Also, it would help if there was some sort of list of characters, their strengths and weakness and who they work best with. Might also help to explain EXACTLY what the special units do and how and why? i.e.: What/who do the assassin's assassinate?, who do the Thieves steal from and what do they actually do. So far I haven't seen anything to show they actually do anything in the game except take up graphics cycles, Who and what is the Observer's? and what do they Observe? And so on through that entire panoply of characters? Evey game has SOME sort of list showing what's what, who's who, What they really do, and how effective are they and against whom?
War Gods Own