"My Lord, you have stripped this Castle to the bones!"
What does this message mean?
My Lord, you have stripped this Castle to the bones! If you dispatch a Raid, you will not recover any Resources. Give this Castle a chance to accumulate Resources before you Raid them again!
It's not any of the following::
- Weekly 50k limit. I haven't hit this target in 8 days. And I have multiple castles that I _have_ hit the limit for, and none of them show this message.
- Daily 500k limit. I was only at 308K for the day. And I hit someone else instead of this guy, and got 50K. And I've been at 500K many times, and it doesn't show this message.
- Castle has no resources. He had about 350K when I spied. And I sent his info to a leaguemate, who also saw 350K when he spied, and he raided the castle for 50K (plus some PvP points, with 0 losses). Also, if you try to attack a castle that has 0 resources about its catacombs (because it's just been attacked—even if it's me who just attacked it), you don't get this message.
- Out of raids. No, I had 3 raids left. And, again,I hit someone else instead of this guy, and got 50K.
- Anything else mentioned in the Game Guide.