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New Stoneheart Legendary Warriors Are Here

New Stoneheart Legendary Warriors Are Here

New Stoneheart Legendary Warriors Are Here

These Leaders Can Inspire Supporting Units To Cause Double Damage!

Lords and Ladies,

Fierce new allies have joined your cause — recruit the Mavka and Lisovyk from Special Offers and crush the enemy!

These powerful Stoneheart Legendary Units provide specific advantages in battle. The Lisovyk is a Defensive Unit that will bolster the Defensive Statistics of Stoneheart Units sent into battle alongside it. On the other hand, the Mavka will increase the offensive strength of Stoneheart Units that fight by its side.

Much like regular Stoneheart Units, Legendary Stoneheart Units offer significant advantages when fighting non-Stoneheart forces. In addition, Legendary Stoneheart Units also offer these advantages when fighting armies with enemy non-Stoneheart Legendary Units.

The Mavka and Lisovyk both possess Double Damage, a Special Ability which, when activated, doubles Supporting Units' combat statistics after taking into account all Bonuses that apply to them.

But heed our warning: dispatching these extraordinary new Units without a full Support Group would be folly. Send these Units out with a full Support Group to maximize the chance Double Damage will be activated. We also beseech you to note that Double Damage cannot be inflicted upon Spirit Wardens.

Secure these Legendary Units and strengthen your Stoneheart armies!

Lord Oberon

Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall 

19 серп. 2022, 12:0919.08.22