As Plarium deleted the original post topic on this update, let me try again.
I have spent years of time, effort and RSS including many many sketches and GP's on building up my trap capability.
With this 'improvemnt' update Plarium not only negate the value of traps they have rendered them a liability.
This update allocates the same CC points to traps taken out as to troops taken out.
The key difference is that troops get the benefit of city fortification, guardian boosts, ampitheatre boosts, E-Troop boosts, generals equipment boosts, market item boosts, dominion boosts, etc, etc
Traps get NONE of those protections.
The Plarium headline "Ares requires ever more blood-spilling, so he has bestowed improvements upon the Coalition Conflict Tournament! " is complete and utter marketing dribble.
No blood is spilt by any player with any sense. They simply use modest assassin or unit attacks to take out TRAPS (no blood there when I last checked). A fully Trapped up city generates about 75K in CC for minimal offensive outlay. My COA scored a staggering 160 million points exploiting this stupid rule change.
Does nobody on the development team actually play and test these ideas before they are released? For goodness sake abandon these badly thought out improvements.
One appalled, agast and very upset player.