A Glitch or A Tumor?
Ok, despite it being remedial math I have checked and re-checked my "work" so unless Plarium operates in a different universe than those of us who actually play the games they make can someone please tell me where I am making my mistakes. When I go into the Amphitheater I know that any select Phylarch bonus is only good while the 3 hour window is active. So, that should mean, if I have the "Skills" bonus maxed out at %50 and a selected skill says it will take 5 days to complete BEFORE, then logic says when I activate the bonus the skill will show 2 days and 12 hours. I do understand that when the 3 hour period ends that the skill will revert to its full duration.
Yet for some reason, time and time again I have watched the game show a duration that I can not make sense of. Like just now when I saw 9 days become 5 days - 16 hours - 34 minutes. What is even worse I have tried to track this insane math, operating by their logic on pad and paper and it doesn't even stay steady. While at my computer for 3 bonus cycles and ensuring I re-started the bonus right away I still somehow lost an hour and 18 minutes. Conversely, I have tried to figure out, on paper, at least an approximity of when I will be nearing the finish time so I can use bursts to trim off the waiting only to look down and see the skill inexplicably "finished".
What am I missing? Are there rules that I am not adhering to, or is this wacky math just something that crops up as you reach a point when the bonus makes a real difference....cause I am pretty sure this wasn't ever a problem when it took 2 hours to get to the next level. Then again, back then I didn't have to wait for next week to get there. PLEASE EXPLAIN