A question about all the different "federations" in Sparta
I've noticed that many large collations are members of federations:
FIC, HGB, IFS, HOB to name a few.
I haven't been able to find out much about these federations on the interent, talking to other players or searching forums
Who runs these fora, and who do you contact if you started a small collation and your interested in with one one of these large, many member collations?
Many coalitions seem to members of one federation or anther -but very few seem to know much about the overall strategy or goals of these federations...
Not sure who to ask or do some research....do ! talk with a hege/ambassabor of various smaller coas - or find the 'big mothership" that sets the strategic and tactical goals of all the small member coalitions
Thx for any help in my little dilemma would be appreciated.