Sparta Capitals: Newbie questions
Hi there,
I recently started my own coalition. I have some questions on Capitals that I hope people can answer please:
1: If you haven't placed your capital yet, but you do coalition activities, will you still get the medals and tools from those activities?
2: Suppose it cost you 1000 tools to upgrade the level of your capital building. Suppose right after the upgrade finishes, it gets downgraded. How many tools do you get refunded?
3: Suppose your capital is at level 5 and you are currently researching a military discipline towards level 5. If the capital gets downgraded while that discipline is in process of researching, does the research of the discipline towards level 5 get stopped, or will it finish?
4: Lastly, I want to confirm the following: Suppose the capital is at level 5 and a military discipline is also finished researching to level 5. If the capital then gets downgraded, will you always maintain that discipline at level 5?
Thanks for your time