Some possible suggestions and solutions to improving the game.
As Plarium continues to remind us, with which I fully agree and so I will repeat again, money (or coining) has never been an issue in this game as one always has been and remains Free to spend however little or as much as one so chooses. For simply put, without Players who are willing and wanting to spend money there is no point or profit for Plarium as a company to provide the game and thus no game for anyone to play.
That said, if a majority of the Players in mutual and organized agreement with one another purposely choose not to spend their own money upon the game as a means of expressing their concerns and complaints with the game and its direction in seeking and to ask for Plarium’s help in addressing them for both the Player’s and Plarium’s mutual long term benefit. Then Plarium has no complaint nor argument with the Player’s doing so, if the game is indeed Free to play.
So what are the players concerns and complaints and which changes can be made that are of actual benefit to the players; that will make things more fair and balanced in general; that will also keep the game fun, interesting and challenging; and which Plarium can make that are both cost affordable and effective for Plarium to make and implement into the game?
One such area, and one I would personally like to see changes made so to benefit the game, the Players and Plarium, is the issue of what all has been made available for one to buy and which drastically affects and alters game play as far as the need for proper planning, diplomacy, tactics and strategy as well as balance. Among which is the number and type of various boosts with which one can now buy and use to instantly, unrealistically and magically do almost anything.
Now it has been argued that these were added to the game by both Plarium and at the requests of various Players to allow for newer and lower level Players in the game the chance to better survive against and to compete with the more experienced and higher level Players, and thus making the game supposedly more fair while also more interesting and challenging.
None of which has occurred imo and as a result has only served to further increase the imbalance in the game and between Players. As the problem in adding and making any such items available in the attempt to make things more fair and balanced for any one Player, is that all such items by default are then available to all Players.
One example of this is the 50% Off/Def instant boost for 7 days for $10.00. Which besides serving to create a totally unfair advantage for some Players and adding only further imbalance into the game, has for many Players effectively turned an otherwise Free game to play into one that requires them to now Pay to Play the game. In which to simply attempt to protect and keep what one, their fellow members and their Coa have already earned and achieved, and against every single Player and/or Coa in the game wishing to spend $10,00 on a whim and on any given day. They must themselves purchase the 50% Off/Def boost every single week and at the cost of $40 a month in order to do so.