The question has already been raised a couple of times on the forum.
It gives you more experience for each fight, which means that you will get a bit faster to the higher levels (quite useless...), and more importantly, that you will get more points during XP exhibition tournaments. But the rewards for this last tournament were the lowest ever seen (by far), so I would advise you to wait for the next one to see if they've changed that or not : if not, just don't take part in it, so you can forget about wasting your scrolls on this. If they have, you might consider it. It can get interesting on the long run only, of course.
cbrad1 said:
hi would anybody know what you gain by using scrools to update combat experience. is it worth the scrools ??
Personally, I have refrained from studying these courses in favour of unit build time, speed and of course reduced grain consumption; we've discussed this within the coalition and never quite managed to reach a consensus, the same seems to apply to the posters in this forum thread:
I realize that this isn't an answer to your question, it seems rather something for each player to decide for him- or herself:
Cheers Dio
they are good value if u get them early, less so if u get them very late
but if u already have training times done, its good choice.
higher level give u tiny bit extra respect to players that don't know your army size.
and u get new scrolls every level, so u might get some returned investment, partially.
more or less u get 1extra level every 5levels with scrolls, lets say u get like 5scrolls average per level, u need approx 8x 5lvl, 40 levels to get these scrolls pay themselves back.