persian positions - feeding
I need a d v i c e , my veteran consigliere! I searhed all night and cant get - what is "payout" in famous persian positions???? where must i push or to do w h a t a t last (when all positions has one orange stripe left) to get that mystic "payout"? What happens , when i in some position i suddenly kill all xerxes soldiers,but this position dont vanish and shows one orange stripe left? And this "position feeding" needs massiv amount of cheap soldiers ... but when i dont have resorces and men enought - so what i must do...
...just kill lower positions first normaly with whole armys (or can I in common way take some positins in between also)? And... what happens when i randomly some positions conquer oldfashionly with my strong armys and randomly "feeding" some positions with a lot of own men... is this "payout" can coming at te end of each position win or when all positons are done and i push green sign "finish" in events menu???
...Does it working when my " agreements" are not leveled 20 but only 8 times? isn there any stright video in youtube like... go there, push this calculate that dont do this and do that- for serious boneheads like me ?
For calc i found this link:
And i read that
END of question