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CDB - The City Defence Bonus

CDB - The City Defence Bonus

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23 серп. 2017, 17:1423.08.17

CDB - The City Defence Bonus

As questions have resurfaced lately in regard to the CDB (City Defence Bonus) value, here's a quick reminder, or primer for newer players:

The CDB is displayed on the left-hand side of the toolbar top centre:

It shows a value which expresses which additional defensive bonus units defending the city outside the Acropolis will receive: 100 CDB points add 1% defence:

Defensive bonus in % = (CDB / 100) / 100

In the above screenshot, for example, this would add up to:

+141,69% = (14.169 / 100) / 100

An additional +150% defensive bonus is nothing to sneer at, though it will take some time and more than a few Drachmas to get there, but it can be done. Below you'll find a table with all fortifications, buildings, decor and other elements which are able to contribute to the CDB:

Note that the maximum total shown above can be improved with special city schemes and decor and that it does make a slight difference if one is playing on a plarium.com or Facebook server.

This forum thread also discusses city scheme bonuses and CDB values in general.


23 серп. 2017, 20:1223.08.17

Good, very good.

3 верес. 2017, 12:0303.09.17

This is with a 20% city defense enhancer and 24% phylarch boost:

3 верес. 2017, 15:5803.09.17
3 верес. 2017, 15:58(відредаговано)

RIX said:

This is with a 20% city defense enhancer and 24% phylarch boost:

Nice one there RIX! 

Do you defend your city often? Cause such a CDF is very useful! 
3 верес. 2017, 18:4603.09.17
Xena said:

RIX said:

This is with a 20% city defense enhancer and 24% phylarch boost:

Nice one there RIX! 

Do you defend your city often? Cause such a CDF is very useful! 
Very rarely LOL  I have seen some CDF much higher than this as well.  Those St. Patricks day decor came in handy but at a price 
3 верес. 2017, 19:0403.09.17

RIX said:

Very rarely LOL  I have seen some CDF much higher than this as well.  Those St. Patricks day decor came in handy but at a price 

One of the few extras I invested in, don't really recall why. Guess it was St. Patrick's Day so I was less than sober. 

Anyone remember how much CDB they had assigned?

4 верес. 2017, 00:0904.09.17
The Irate Penguin said:

RIX said:

Very rarely LOL  I have seen some CDF much higher than this as well.  Those St. Patricks day decor came in handy but at a price 

One of the few extras I invested in, don't really recall why. Guess it was St. Patrick's Day so I was less than sober. 

Anyone remember how much CDB they had assigned?

Great question.  I don't recall.  I have 32 of the leprechaun however, ive seen cities with maxed with just leprechauns 
4 верес. 2017, 17:0404.09.17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

The one that costs 170 gives 17 CDB, the one that costs 300 - 33 CDB. If I remember correctly, Leprechaun gives 33, other 2 - 17.

That's it!  TY

The Irate Penguin said:

Plarium recently asked regarding suggestions for new units. Besides a PA, we definitely need a PF, a Potato Famine.


15 верес. 2017, 13:1415.09.17

Yo también tengo ese de san patricio en mi ciudad…

alguien same la mejor combinacion para este bonnus??

16 верес. 2017, 11:3716.09.17

Jose acosta said:

Yo también tengo ese de san patricio en mi ciudad…

alguien same la mejor combinacion para este bonnus??

Are you asking how much CDB this decor contributes? If, so please see Alyona's above post:

The one that costs 170 gives 17 CDB, the one that costs 300 - 33 CDB. If I remember correctly, Leprechaun gives 33, other 2 - 17.

If not, hat prcisely do you mean by "combination"?


18 верес. 2017, 16:0018.09.17

The Irate Penguin said:

Jose acosta said:

alguien same la mejor combinacion para este bonnus??

Are you asking how much CDB this decor contributes? If, so please see Alyona's above post:

The one that costs 170 gives 17 CDB, the one that costs 300 - 33 CDB. If I remember correctly, Leprechaun gives 33, other 2 - 17.

If not, hat prcisely do you mean by "combination"?


a lo que me refiero con la combinación un ejemplo es asi:

20 angoras

3 zapadores


1 жовт. 2017, 06:4701.10.17

Soooo ... if someone has a city def value of say 500 ... their C.D.V. will be what exactly?

will that lower the troops defense value in their city ?

the math and the % value is confusing 

3 жовт. 2017, 17:5303.10.17

Ididicus said:

Soooo ... if someone has a city def value of say 500 ... their C.D.V. will be what exactly?

will that lower the troops defense value in their city ?

the math and the % value is confusing 

depends specifically what you have.  

1 груд. 2018, 00:2601.12.18
1 груд. 2018, 00:38(відредаговано)

A good tip I think is always to consider how we can improve the City Defense Bonus when we try to make sure we do spend our Drachma prioritizing which item we will spend on first.

An instant city defense bonus can be achieved through Permanent City Schema. 

The Walls+Gates +Towers ( Fortification) is one of the major improvement we can do as the amount of city defense will jump pretty fast.

Other Decorations will add a good amount of defense bonus, some available on special offers and special events.

The tip is to consider the amount will add to your defense bonus after buying the item and prioritize which one should we go for first.

That's when players may need to consider which one to go first Towers or Decor .

Remember the towers will add 50 City defense bonus at certain levels (from 4-10) each time you upgrade and will cost you for only one (at level 9) 5000 Drachma, but they will be in need of repair if the city gets hit. 

A good decision will be to choose to fill your city with the decor 1st and try to compare and see which one will give you the advantage of gaining more city defense at a lower price.

Watch out for special offers and you may get The Walls +Gates + Towers pretty cheap.

If patience is running out waiting for an offer Decors are there to give you the boost you need at pretty good prices comparing to a full price Fortification.

Other ways to add the Units Defense Boost when you defend your city is by activating Dominion.

Dominion at level 15 will have those bonuses which come useful if you also plan to defend your City.

Also the Generals , are pretty important and making sure you break items at constant pace so you can have pieces which are special items( can won by attacking positions , tournaments, buying packages ) and those resources are needed for upgrading your equipment items.

By increasing Intellect level we will have the opportunity to unlock more Abilities and can be earn through upgrading your city and through tournaments.

General Abilities will give a range of boosts from individual units to All units Defense or Offense boost and can be activated both without the need to manually switch them around.

(Please note some info was removed to protect identity of the player.)

Do not forget the ranking up units and for this you will need also to use wisely your Relics depending on your choice of strategy you use.

Gaining the relics will be from upgrading your city level and also by getting them in exchange of Drachma.

From level 1- 50     => Relics per level up =1
                 51- 100  =>                               = 2
               101- 150  =>                               =3

Making wise choices of which units to upgrade first depending on your strategy offense or defense and by fully upgrading the Agreement level will improve significantly the combat stat for each unit.

Guardian can make a huge impact  so will be wise to enlighten, upgrade the level of the guardian and its skills.

Traps can help against Political Attacks  and defend against units before they reach your units or Temple of Hermes.


Unit defense bonuses in Phylarch skills.

I hope this helps on making smart choices if you want to enhance your city and units defense.

Keep in mind that reaching to the maximum level and the best City/ Units defense takes time and being active player is a must in order to be able to reach the desirable outcome.

The same situation applies for offense strategy.

If I miss anything feel free to add more information as this is done as a guide only and just as quick information to refer to.

Good luck

24 січ. 2019, 07:4324.01.19
30 січ. 2019, 23:37(відредаговано)
Does the CDB apply against assassins? So for example if the CDB is 10,000, equaling 100% bonus, will the assassin only be able to kill half as many units as he would if there was no CDB in the city? Thanks. 
5 лют. 2019, 10:3405.02.19

City defense bonus will make a significant impact on any offensive units.

Most of the time depending on the CDB an assassin will end up being just a waste when facing powerful defensive bonus especially along side army.
28 листоп. 2022, 18:3328.11.22

Does the CDB affect troops from other players defending your city?

1 груд. 2022, 12:4801.12.22

Does the CDB affect troops from other players defending your city?

Hello Jagwar.  Yes, the city defence bonus, is applied to all the stationed units in our city, ours or friendly units.

1 груд. 2022, 19:0601.12.22


best moderator ever:))

20 берез. 2024, 21:4020.03.24

this info and example is needed in the field manual to avoid any confusion and to make it clear for players

DariaCommunity Manager
25 берез. 2024, 10:1025.03.24

this info and example is needed in the field manual to avoid any confusion and to make it clear for players

Hi, Archon! Thanks for your comment. Did you mean - to add this info to the in-game guide? If so, such changes are not planned now, Archon, but I appreciate your input 🤗