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10 levels of Positions have been added to Sparta!

10 levels of Positions have been added to Sparta!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
29 лип. 2016, 12:3229.07.16

10 levels of Positions have been added to Sparta!

New levels of Positions!

10 levels of Positions have been added to Sparta.

Now you will have even more enormous battles, Archon! 

29 лип. 2016, 15:0229.07.16
3 серп. 2016, 14:2003.08.16
4 серп. 2016, 02:0604.08.16
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
4 серп. 2016, 08:3604.08.16
Did someone reach 150 already? :)
27 серп. 2016, 03:1727.08.16

more lies, what game is this , a lot of promises, and nothing in exchange. we play black jack, casino, roulette here, boss? where are our money and time investments here? no respect at all for us, you only see us like idiots who make you rich, but nothing in exchange? really no shame? by last "Great oracle tournament" where we must receive your shit big rewards (that is nothing for us) I invested over 32 millions, all my army, what was your "big / huge shit rewards" : 20 millions was the biggest payout received!!! so insolence! so much promises and so few you give in exchange! why you do not tell the players the true: that your game is a big lie, you only want our money and give us nothing in exchange but lies and lies again! so, great boss, what should I do in my case, where is my fucking army? I must play your idiot game for another 3 years to recover my lost units in your called huge reward system lie? what is you solution to give us a real and fair game for our lost money and time here? is not a problem that 90% from your players leave your great game after 1 month and are smart enough to never come back? really no shame? money and only money is your motto?

10 верес. 2016, 05:1110.09.16
10 верес. 2016, 05:27(відредаговано)
Sounds great if rewards earned or Captured in ALL my efforts would really show up in my Coffers and Army I could Fight on!!!
10 верес. 2016, 13:0510.09.16

22 лип. 2017, 15:5922.07.17
great game...
25 лип. 2017, 06:4025.07.17

Hi All,

I noticed for some time now that I'm not getting low level PP Defensive positions anymore. Can you please tell me why?



25 лип. 2017, 06:4725.07.17
25 лип. 2017, 06:48(відредаговано)

Alexander said:

more lies, what game is this , a lot of promises, and nothing in exchange. we play black jack, casino, roulette here, boss? where are our money and time investments here? no respect at all for us, you only see us like idiots who make you rich, but nothing in exchange? really no shame? by last "Great oracle tournament" where we must receive your shit big rewards (that is nothing for us) I invested over 32 millions, all my army, what was your "big / huge shit rewards" : 20 millions was the biggest payout received!!! so insolence! so much promises and so few you give in exchange! why you do not tell the players the true: that your game is a big lie, you only want our money and give us nothing in exchange but lies and lies again! so, great boss, what should I do in my case, where is my fucking army? I must play your idiot game for another 3 years to recover my lost units in your called huge reward system lie? what is you solution to give us a real and fair game for our lost money and time here? is not a problem that 90% from your players leave your great game after 1 month and are smart enough to never come back? really no shame? money and only money is your motto?

I respectfully disagree with you PP is the perfect way to harvest troops, by the way I'm on LVL150-I normally get back what I've invested. Trick is you must know how to play it. I've received some spectacular payouts and one of the reasons why I'm still playing the game.

The only problem I have so far is that for quite some time now I haven't received any low level defensive PP positions. Would be great if any one can shed some light on this.



25 лип. 2017, 06:5025.07.17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Did someone reach 150 already? :

Hi Alyona,

I did I'm currently on LVL 150, next PP 151.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
25 лип. 2017, 09:1225.07.17
Niekie888 said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Did someone reach 150 already? :

Hi Alyona,

I did I'm currently on LVL 150, next PP 151.

Nice! Congrats! Did you get something interesting from it? :)
25 лип. 2017, 15:2425.07.17

Hi Alyona,


This is the payout I got: http://prntscr.com/g0454e

Unfortunately I didn't get back the amount of Promos I threw at it I'm yet to receive a Big payout for my HLs. All the Big payouts I received were from lower level Offensive or Defensive positions.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
26 лип. 2017, 08:2126.07.17
Niekie888 said:

Hi Alyona,


This is the payout I got: http://prntscr.com/g0454e

Unfortunately I didn't get back the amount of Promos I threw at it I'm yet to receive a Big payout for my HLs. All the Big payouts I received were from lower level Offensive or Defensive positions.
I see. So probably you know a secret how to get good rewards on lower-level PPs? :)
27 лип. 2017, 18:2727.07.17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Niekie888 said:

Hi Alyona,


This is the payout I got: http://prntscr.com/g0454e

Unfortunately I didn't get back the amount of Promos I threw at it I'm yet to receive a Big payout for my HLs. All the Big payouts I received were from lower level Offensive or Defensive positions.
I see. So probably you know a secret how to get good rewards on lower-level PPs? :)

Not really it all depends on your losses and the units you've used.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
28 лип. 2017, 09:1328.07.17
But it's still better than on high-lvls?
31 лип. 2017, 23:0331.07.17

Buenas noches.

Hace tiempo escribi en una guia para este juego sobre los objetos que jerjes nos da para equipar a nuestro general, y lo hice despues de unas cuantas comprobaciones :

"Hasta la posición 25 estos solo son para infantería ligera, de la posición 26 hasta la 45 son también para infantería pesada, de la posición 46 hasta la 60 son también para falange y a partir de la posición 61 son para toda la tropa."

Ahora tengo que retractarme.

A mi nivel 83 con todos los acuerdos firmados y mejorados en mayor o menor medida jerjes me lo da de la manera que lo puse.



mejora para infanteria ligera y pesada.

a mi amigo nivel 43 y firmado solo espadas y javalineros esto es lo que le da.



como vereis en este caso solo da bonus para infanteria ligera.

¿ Porque no se puede veneficiar mi amigo como yo con los objetos para mejorar la tropa, jerjes y algunos torneos de plarium suministran de infanteria pesada, falange y caballeria ?. ¿ para que le sirve a mi amigo que se pongan mas niveles de posiciones si nunca conseguira objetos para mejorar otra tropa que no sea infanteria ligera ?


Some time ago I wrote in a guide for this game about the objects that jerjes gives us to equip our general, and I did after a few checks:

"Up to position 25 these are only for light infantry, from position 26 to 45 are also for heavy infantry, from position 46 to 60 are also for phalanx and from position 61 are for the whole troop."

Now I have to retract.

At my level 83 with all agreements signed and improved to a greater or lesser extent jerjes gives me the way I put it.



Improvement for light and heavy infantry.

To my friend level 43 and signed only swords and javalineros this is what he gives.



As you will see in this case only gives bonus for light infantry.

Why can not my friend like me with the objects to improve the trope, jerjes and some tournaments of plarium supply of heavy infantry, phalanx and cavalry?

  So that it serves my friend to put more levels of positions if he will never get objects to improve another troop that is not light infantry?

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
1 серп. 2017, 09:3201.08.17
elias said:

  So that it serves my friend to put more levels of positions if he will never get objects to improve another troop that is not light infantry?

He should definitely sign more Agreements to start getting better Gear. 
1 серп. 2017, 10:0601.08.17

But it's still better than on high-lvls?

Sorry for the late reply, yes absolutely!

1 серп. 2017, 16:0401.08.17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

elias said:

  So that it serves my friend to put more levels of positions if he will never get objects to improve another troop that is not light infantry?

He should definitely sign more Agreements to start getting better Gear. 

Porque se necesita tener firmado acuerdos de infanteria pesada o de falange o de caballeria para que jerjes de objetos que aumenten el ataque o defensa de esta tropa ?

Sin tener acuerdos firmados jerjes nos proporciona hasta caballeria, en la imagen se ve


14 ginetes agemas y 2 peltastas montados, de la misma forma nos podria proporcionar objetos para ellos.

Translado esta obserbacion como sugerencia en el apartado "sugerencias" ?.

Thank you Alyona.