Equipment Packs for your General are now available!
Equipment Packs for your General are now available!
Go to the Market and get yours today!
The gods have smiled upon you, Archon! Equipment Packs for your General are now available at the Market! Each Pack contains special Coffers with Equipment that will endow your Light Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Phalanx Units, and/or Cavalry with improved offense or defense statistics! Each Pack also contains exactly the Keys you need to open the Coffers you get!
You will find a corresponding button on your General's Inventory interface that will bring you to a place in the Market where you can view all the Packs available to you. Or, should you prefer, you can go directly to the Market, open the “General” Tab then, in the “Coffers” Tab, acquire the Packs you desire. Bear in mind that Packs differ from one another and affect different Units accordingly. Some more advanced Packs will require you to sign certain Agreements in order to purchase them.