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Elysian questions

Elysian questions

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23 лют. 2019, 03:3223.02.19

Elysian questions

Two questions about the 'new city'. If they are answered elsewhere, please direct me there.

1. Do one's general's offensive/defensive bonuses (by unit category, light inf, etc) not have any effect on fighting Elysian positions? I see no change in the total strength of an attack when I switch them. If this is true, do general's bonuses not affect any attacks or defenses by Elysian units?

2. Has anyone figured out (or have developers shared any info) about how Elysian positions work? They seem to reload whenever you use them up but I haven't seen any major unit rewards after many position attacks (all at low levels admittedly). What determines how high a position you have on your list? What determines how many positions you get?

Extra comment: I understand the developers make this game available so that they can make money from it. That's only fair. So I'm not joining the complaining threads about the new city. However, the 15K drachma cost of a Master Artisan does seem totally ridiculous.

26 лют. 2019, 15:2826.02.19

Hello :)

1. The following Bonuses don't affect Elysian Units:

  • Elixirs
  • General's Equipment
  • Buffs/Debuffs from Flag Tournament
  • Bonuses from Champion Units
  • Guardians
  • General's Abilities for Units (Offense Boost for Light/Heavy Infantry, Phalanx Units, Cavalry)
  • Coalition Capital Bonuses
  • Forge and Lumberyard of Level 39 - 40

Bonuses that work:

  • Offense Enhancers
  • Dominion Status
  • Coalition Achievements
  • General's Abilities for Pantheon Defense/Offense boost, Units movement speed
  • Buffs from Flag Tournament (Units' speed, XP)
  • Phylarch skills

2. We don't share the information about Positions work no matter whether it's PP from old City or the new one.

Players should discover it by themselves.

As for your feedback on Artisan's price, thanks! I will forward it to devs.
26 лют. 2019, 17:5026.02.19

Thank you!

As for the Elysian positions, no, I didn't expect a response from the devs. :) Although perhaps you can explain what the Elysian positions are supposed to represent, since unlike the regular positions, all of them are Greek locations.

In any case, the idea of my post was for players to discuss what they're learning. Since my initial post I've figured out a few things, though there are many more aspects of the Elysian positions I still can't work out.

What I've learned:

1. If you attack all positions listed of one color (off or def), when you finish the highest level (which starts around 5, iirc?) the positions refresh and the new list goes to one higher level than it did before (for both colors). I alternate colors; I don't know if this would happen the same way if I just kept attacking one color.

2. Attacking Elysian positions does not seem to give, eventually, a net gain in unit power, as regular positions do. I've only gotten to level 21, so maybe that will change when I have higher levels, who knows? But the main gain currently from the Elysians positions is when you get 'special' (starred) positions to attack, one of each color. They provide a lot of moonstones and a substantial net gain in all Elysian unit types. What seems to be the triggering mechanism for these special positions so far is when you get your positions refreshed to a multiple of level 7, one starred position of each color is added at the start of the list. Thus, at level 7, you get one red and one green level 1 starred position. At level 14, you get one each of level 2, and so on. I've gotten to level 21; if this pattern is confirmed at levels 28 and 35, it should be reliable thereafter.

Any insights other players have discovered would be appreciated to be shared here, including any aspects that I may have gotten wrong.

26 лют. 2019, 20:2326.02.19

They have planned to make tournaments with eliseum positions or give eliseum rewards in other tournaments, like impulses ......

27 лют. 2019, 09:4627.02.19
alina i understand about not sharing the mechanics of the positions, but why some people get new positions and others not? there must be a basic guide of why something works for some not for others etc... some basic notions, its now a matter of decency, not of gossiping or cheating, how do we know if there is a problem if we are blindfolded?
27 лют. 2019, 22:0527.02.19
re 2., I reached the set of positions with level 28, and there were no starred positions with it, so I'm back to square one to try to determine when the starred positions arise.
12 берез. 2019, 15:2312.03.19

hijadelafortuna T.I.A. said:

alina i understand about not sharing the mechanics of the positions, but why some people get new positions and others not? there must be a basic guide of why something works for some not for others etc... some basic notions, its now a matter of decency, not of gossiping or cheating, how do we know if there is a problem if we are blindfolded?


Between Levels 4 -30, players can have a maximum of 5 new positions of the maximum level per day.

On all other levels, this number changes to maximum 1 position of the maximum level per day.