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Bug:  No dubbing track on the quest Build the port into italian language

Bug: No dubbing track on the quest Build the port into italian language

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7 жовт. 2017, 13:4207.10.17

Bug: No dubbing track on the quest Build the port into italian language

Description: When I click on the left side on this icon called as "QUest", the game shows a new window where there are some quests. If I click on the "more " button, the goal of this quest is to build a port.

After who I've built this port, the game shows a notification about this quest is completed. I click on the "Quest" panel on the left side, where there is a quest called as "Build the port" with a green button called as "Claim rewards".

Here into the Italian language there isn't any dubbing track on this end quest, same problem when I click on the "Listen again" button to repeat the dubbing track (Video 1, from 0:19s until to end this video)  while if I change the English language, this end-quest have a dubbing track.

Nickname: Riccardo Vianello

Platform: Plaurium portal + facebook

ID Facebook: riccardo.vianello.39

Browser: Google Chrome v. 61.0.3163.100 (Build ufficiale) (a 64 bit) 

Flash player version:

OS: Windows 10 Pro

Language: Italian

Size Monitor: 1366x768 (Fullscreen)

Monitor: AMD Radeon HD 7670


Video 1 => 

Please fix this missing on the dubbing track into italian language.
