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Divine Equipment

Divine Equipment

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11 квіт. 2022, 05:4411.04.22

Thanks for posting.

I will ask, but did you contact support? If you did, please let us know what they answered :)

11 квіт. 2022, 09:3011.04.22

ok. i will contact support and i will put here a screen with the answer

13 квіт. 2022, 22:2913.04.22


not a nice answer.... so what we can do to fix the problem ?

i have a theory... there are 8 different equipments but we can use 2 rings and 2 warhorns at general but the game can't read that 2 rings and 2 warhorns. Here is the prove: https://prnt.sc/0djGAY5Lzh_v . If you can see, the game read 3 equipemnts not 4( 2 rings are read like 1 ring) so if in theory i have 4 divine equipments( and i must take other rewards) in practice the game read only 3. Is a nice bug and i hope Plarium will fix it....

sorry for my bad english. i hope i explained well

19 квіт. 2022, 11:1819.04.22


not a nice answer.... so what we can do to fix the problem ?

i have a theory... there are 8 different equipments but we can use 2 rings and 2 warhorns at general but the game can't read that 2 rings and 2 warhorns. Here is the prove: https://prnt.sc/0djGAY5Lzh_v . If you can see, the game read 3 equipemnts not 4( 2 rings are read like 1 ring) so if in theory i have 4 divine equipments( and i must take other rewards) in practice the game read only 3. Is a nice bug and i hope Plarium will fix it....

sorry for my bad english. i hope i explained well

Hello b98andrei. The are 4 defensive and 4 offensive divine equipment that can work in a set. so, if you have 2  divine rings, it is natural for  the game to count 1 of them,as part of the companion set, but the special additional bonuses of the rings are x2 when they both are upgraded.


9 трав. 2022, 10:3909.05.22

i understand. but... i want that agema's for 4 divine Equipment. So nobody can be full offensive equipment or full defensive and take the final rewards: 50 agema/day and some attack bonus. is not nice... maybe for you and for this game is naturat but for me is not. is not normal. i hope the game will change this part.

KitanaCommunity Manager
13 трав. 2022, 12:5213.05.22

i understand. but... i want that agema's for 4 divine Equipment. So nobody can be full offensive equipment or full defensive and take the final rewards: 50 agema/day and some attack bonus. is not nice... maybe for you and for this game is naturat but for me is not. is not normal. i hope the game will change this part.

Archon, could you please describe in details how you want this function works?

17 трав. 2022, 09:2817.05.22

Hi Kitana ! Very easy. We can use 2 rings or 2 warhornes like divine equipments so we can increase our deff or off power at maximum but the problem is... if we put 2 rings or 2 warhornes the game will not "read/see" the second same divine equipment. so we can't get the bonuses( agema and some offensiv power at cavalery)

you can see in my screenshots. i have 4 divine equipments but i have 2 rings and i can't get that 30 free agema/day and +10% cavalery power.

The rule is: for equipment set not for equipments. so 2 rings but is same equipment set ^_^ not hard to understand the problem and what i want. change the rule: put for equipments not equipment set

Have a nice day !

KitanaCommunity Manager
18 трав. 2022, 14:3818.05.22

Hi Kitana ! Very easy. We can use 2 rings or 2 warhornes like divine equipments so we can increase our deff or off power at maximum but the problem is... if we put 2 rings or 2 warhornes the game will not "read/see" the second same divine equipment. so we can't get the bonuses( agema and some offensiv power at cavalery)

you can see in my screenshots. i have 4 divine equipments but i have 2 rings and i can't get that 30 free agema/day and +10% cavalery power.

The rule is: for equipment set not for equipments. so 2 rings but is same equipment set ^_^ not hard to understand the problem and what i want. change the rule: put for equipments not equipment set

Have a nice day !

Thank you for your explanation. I got your point and understand how useful this change can be for players. Unfortunately the change of this feature is quite risky. This is why it can't be implemented. Thank you for your understanding and for your idea!

18 трав. 2022, 20:4518.05.22

Hi Kitana ! Thanks for your answer ! I have a question. Where is the risk ? I can't see it

24 трав. 2022, 23:1724.05.22
25 трав. 2022, 12:17(відредаговано)

the risk is always on the players side. we waste huge numbers of defense & offense units just to get the top 50 of PVP or non-stop clicking and large number of emeralds to hit the top1 for divine coffer reward, but yet the game will give us the same item even if you are only holding the 2 kinds of divine equipments (sword and armor) and when you open the companion coffer it will give you the same item (armor/sword) instead of shield, helmet, boots or gloves. This scenario is happening in different players all over and over again.

lastly, the value of broken pieces of divine equipments are only equivalent to the number of broken pieces of class 4 legendary items (3,200 pieces).

in my opinion, the broken pieces for divine items should much higher since these items are not easy to get unlike to the class 4 legendary items that every player can get in the persian or reward from completing the deeds mission during CC.

after burning troops/emeralds and exert too much effort (just to get the coffer) it is hard for us to break a duplicated divine items and will get only a number of pieces similar from legendary items.

maybe the good office of plarium will review this setup.

- release the divine items as a reward in elysian position

- broken pieces of divine items should much higher (5K or 6K pieces) not 3,200

- give the players a chance to complete the set since the strenght rate of items are random

just sharing my 2 cents. no harm.

25 трав. 2022, 08:5525.05.22
25 трав. 2022, 08:57(відредаговано)

Hi lordtroi ! I think is not a random what that coffers give us. i finished 2 times that warrior pass and every time i got same equipment. when i finished guardian duel event i got other equipment. there are some events where we can get that coffers: Pvp, guardian duel, overlords, warrior pass. every event will give us one equipment type. is only an observation. other friends got same divine equipment at warrior pass when they opened second time  the coffer

P.S.: is only a theory 

KitanaCommunity Manager
26 трав. 2022, 13:4126.05.22

Hi Kitana ! Thanks for your answer ! I have a question. Where is the risk ? I can't see it

Some changes of global features can influence the functionality of other features, in other words can lead to some bugs. This feature was developed to work in the way it works. At the same time, I'd like to assure you that we work on game improvement and I trully hope that you will like them.

31 трав. 2022, 12:0131.05.22

Hi Kitana ! thanks again for your answer. So when plarium wants add a new upgrade in game and with that upgrade will come bugs is ok, but when plarium must fix a problem( in my opinion) and players win is not ok because will be more bugs.

You understand what i say. all players win if plarium will repair that bug. In my opinion is a bug

12 жовт. 2023, 03:1412.10.23

what equipment items are needed to support a divine piece of equipment to allow you to receive the max bonuses for the that particular divine piece of equipment?

14 жовт. 2023, 19:0314.10.23

what equipment items are needed to support a divine piece of equipment to allow you to receive the max bonuses for the that particular divine piece of equipment?

Unfortunately, I never counted all the pieces it needs to go up to the max, but it needs a lot of pieces😉. It is a long way to level it up to the max, but it is worth the effort. 
