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Driving me nuts with nowhere to turn!

Driving me nuts with nowhere to turn!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
2 лип. 2017, 18:3602.07.17

Driving me nuts with nowhere to turn!

This is me, being meek.

2 лип. 2017, 20:1302.07.17
2 лип. 2017, 20:14(відредаговано)
to be patience i think ..and don't bump the support  ticket..   in general they respond in ages and on week-ends     it's 0 chances  that u  will be helped  ..because that  what they understand  from profesionalism ... making us   more and more frustrating  and answering after months ... me still waiting for something  to resolve after two months ..so good luck and patience :)  ..and also don't speak here about youre frustrations they don't like that and it's possible that you will be banned  :)) 
3 лип. 2017, 04:3303.07.17

Jim Kennedy said:

This is me, being meek.

Good morning Jim:

Meek about what? PM if you prefer.


3 лип. 2017, 10:4903.07.17
3 лип. 2017, 10:52(відредаговано)

you are not alone, one month exactily since i reported a bug that changes the mechanics of the game and still no confirmation that there is that bug, not even dreaming solving it. and getting the typical andswers, "we pass to developers or tech team", that do not help, as after 3 r 4 times you wonder if it is any truth in that answers...... frustating, really frustrating...

pinguino i talk about support, i apreciate you trying to help, specially as is not your job! :-)
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
3 лип. 2017, 12:0303.07.17

Fortuna said:

you are not alone, one month exactily since i reported a bug that changes the mechanics of the game and still no confirmation that there is that bug, not even dreaming solving it. and getting the typical andswers, "we pass to developers or tech team", that do not help, as after 3 r 4 times you wonder if it is any truth in that answers...... frustating, really frustrating...

pinguino i talk about support, i apreciate you trying to help, specially as is not your job! :-)

Support doesn't give feedback about bug status. And in most cases we just don't know if there's a bug until devs confirm it. They have a lot of tasks to do, and they fix many issues with each update. Of course we're all dreaming about fast bug fixes, but in real life it takes time

3 лип. 2017, 12:1303.07.17
3 лип. 2017, 12:18(відредаговано)

i wnat to know if they know the problem... as i reported how it affected my whole coalition a month ago in points that we lost for coalition achivements....

if game mechanics does not work as the game said it should work its serious... very serious

and if i report that this fail in game mechanics had consecuences in me & my coa, i guess i need a feedback from my SUPPORT TICKET asme and my coa had negative impact in points and troops because of it...

 so yes, alyona in this case even you would or should agree with me (remember as community manager part of your job is  make this space a place where we can feel welcome interact, express opinions even if negatives to plarium and all toguether work to improve the game) so i am sure you understand and agreethat if i open a support ticket for a problem, that brough me problems in game, a deserve an answer