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Renegade 90 percent return not working

Renegade 90 percent return not working

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21 квіт. 2020, 12:3421.04.20

Renegade 90 percent return not working

I sent 10 Renegades to an Emporia.

It was attacked and I lost 2 of the renegades.

Only 8 came back?

If the 90% works I should get at least 1 of them back?

Please fix and credit my account.


heavenly valley

1905 -244
21 квіт. 2020, 16:2121.04.20
21 квіт. 2020, 16:21(відредаговано)

You're not in the infirmary to revive for free?

That's where the dead troops usually go, although this troop is a little too special.

Could you put up a battle catch?

And in case of a bug you need the identity in the game, the image I put shows my identity and where to find it.

No esta en la enfermeria para revivir gratis ?

es donde suele ir la tropa muerta., aunque esta tropa es demasiado especial.

Podrias poner una captura de la batalla ?

Y en caso de tratarse de un bug se necesita la identidad en el juego, la imagen que pongo muestra mi identidad y donde encontrarla.

22 квіт. 2020, 13:2422.04.20

agesofman Red Warrior said:

I sent 10 Renegades to an Emporia.

It was attacked and I lost 2 of the renegades.

Only 8 came back?

If the 90% works I should get at least 1 of them back?

Please fix and credit my account.


heavenly valley

1905 -244

Most likely that you won that battle where you lost 2 units. 90% of the Renegades lost in the battle will return to your City along with surviving Units if you lose a battle. 

25 квіт. 2020, 10:2725.04.20

I sent 10 renegades, lost 2 and did not get any back either returning directly to city or in infirmary.

Elias - Do not know what a battle catch is.

If you are asking for a screen shot - how do I take that to prove none came home??

(Any info, probably gone off listing by know anyway)

uid 5484217 / pp24006427 / The Glorious Valley / segment00

25 квіт. 2020, 17:3525.04.20



ese enlace es una captura de pantalla y en el encuentras el progrmita para hacerlas.

Pon aqui la captura de pantalla del informe donde mueren esos "renegados" y veamoslo para comprobar si se trata de un error.


that link is a screenshot and in it you find the program to make them.

Put here the screenshot of the report where those "renegades" die and let's see it to check if it's a mistake.

25 квіт. 2020, 22:3825.04.20

Hi Elias

No can do - emporia attacks no longer in my listings
27 квіт. 2020, 14:3727.04.20

I cannot do emp attack report but do have this showing killed units in infirmary - I hope the description that 90% of defeated renegades return to your city - means that 90% return to your city - dead!

Or is that what you mean!!!

27 квіт. 2020, 16:5727.04.20

Hello AGESOFMAN, I took a good look at the Renegade's "special feature".

It would be ideal to have the report of that battle because it depends on the outcome whether one thing happens or the other.

- Did you lose the battle?

     The soldiers who didn't die return, the Renegades will return those who survived + 90% of those who died. In your case the 8 alive +1 = 9 return, keep in mind that 90% of 2 is only 1.

   Let's imagine that all of them die, there are no survivors, and you had 10 Renegades in the village, so they will return to the acropolis 9 Renegades alive, loaded with resources (if they had collected resources).

- Did you win the battle?

 In this case the Renegade does not use his "special feature", only the 8 live ones return.

 The survivors are still collecting resources and will return.

 They already had enough resources collected for what the survivors can carry, so they return immediately.

That's why the report is important and if it's not there, do you remember how that battle ended?

And forgive my initial failure, but the infirmary is irrelevant.

Hola AGESOFMAN, me mire bien la "caracteristica especial" del Renegado.

Seria lo ideal el tener el informe de esa batalla pues depende del resultado asi ocurre una cosa o la contraria.

- Perdiste la batalla ?

     Los soldados que no murieron regresan, los Renegados regresaran los que sobrevivieron + el 90% de los que murieron. En tu caso los 8 vivos +1 = 9 regresan, ten en cuenta que el 90% de 2 solo es 1.

   Imaginemos que mueren todos, no hay ningun superviviente, y tenias en la villa 10 Renegados pues regresaran a la acropolis 9 Renegados vivos cargados de recursos ( si tenian recursos recolectados ).

- Ganaste la batalla ?

 En este caso el Renegado no hace uso de su "caracteristica especial", regresan solo los 8 vivos.

 Los supervivientes siguen recogiendo recursos y ya regresaran.

 Que ya tenian recursos suficientes recogidos para lo que pueden cargar los supervivientes pues regresan de inmediato.

Por eso es importante el informe y si no esta recuerdas como termino esa batalla ?

Y perdona mi fallo inicial pero lo de la enfermeria es irrelevante.

29 квіт. 2020, 13:4129.04.20

I am in danger of repeating myself here!

I had 10 renegades in an Emporium.

It was attacked on a number of occasions, during which I lost 2 renegades (and 2 partisans).

From memory I lost 1 renegade in one attack and the 2nd in another attack.

I survived the attacks and the troops returned to my city

Only 8 renegades returned (I expected 9 - hence my post)

When a couple of days later i was checking infirmary - the 2 renegades (& 2 partisans) that died were in the infirmary (see screen shot above) and I paid drachmas to revive.

Whilst happy that both renegades were available for revival in the infirmary - I was expecting one of the renegades that was killed would be automatically revived and return directly to my city - it plainly was not. There appears to be some mis-programming or the troop special revival characteristic is not clear?

I no longer have battle reports available to me, so I cannot provide screen shot of them. 

This post is more about alerting you to a possible bug rather than me trying to get 1 renegade back, so I think you can trust me that my reporting is correct.

 I renegade is definitely not worth this amount of time and effort! LOL

29 квіт. 2020, 13:5629.04.20
usually you can only revive units that are killed in defence of your city for free 
29 квіт. 2020, 16:3429.04.20
29 квіт. 2020, 16:42(відредаговано)

AGESOFMAN no desconfiamos de ti ni de lo que nos dices pero a la hora de mirar lo que son errores o no es mejor ver informes o imagenes.

Segun tu memoria te atacaron en varias ocasiones y ganaste en todas, cuando los supervivientes llenaron las alforjas regresaron a tu acropolis.

Regresaron 8 Renegados y 8 Partisanos.

Segun la imagen fijate cuando se activa la Habilidad Especial "..... cuando un jugador ataca con exito la villa que controles", por lo tanto esa habilidad no se activo ya que ganaste las batallas.

No hay error del sistema ( en este caso ) sino un error nuestro a la hora de interpretar lo que tendria que haber pasado, a mi me ocurre frecuentemente.

AGESOFMAN does not distrust you or what you tell us but when looking at what are errors or is not better to see reports or images.

According to your memory you were attacked several times and you won in all of them, when the survivors filled the saddlebags they returned to your acropolis.

Eight Renegades and eight Partisans returned.

According to the image, look at when the Special Ability is activated "....when another player successfully attacks an Emporium you`ve captured", therefore that ability was not activated since you won the battles.

There is no system error (in this case) but our error when interpreting what should have happened, it happens to me frequently.

7 черв. 2020, 15:2407.06.20


Apologies for delay - life is busy!

Thanks for taking time to explain the 'fine print', I now understand the situation.

To only activate a special ability when you lose though is more than a bit twisted.

Your game designers must be, shall we say, a bit weird! LOL
7 черв. 2020, 21:4207.06.20

AGESOFMAN no matter how much time has passed if we finally understood what really happened.

Certainly the explanations are not very "understandable" and the translations .............

Nice to meet you.

AGESOFMAN no importa el tiempo transcurrido si al final comprendimos lo que realmente paso.

Ciertamente las explicaciones no son muy "comprensibles" y las traducciones .............
