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Limit raided resources

Limit raided resources

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
22 лют. 2020, 21:2922.02.20

Limit raided resources

Hello. But, isn't the limit of raided resources 50,000 per week per account?

The same player with 10 attacks in less than half an hour plundered nearly 450,000 resources.

It's regular?

Is it a Bug?

Is it a trick?

Thanks for the explanations.

22 лют. 2020, 23:3422.02.20


There is a trick to it and the amount you can plunder (provided the opponent has enough resources) depends on what your ships can carry.

The trick:

- You choose a "fat" city and send out scouts ( if you already know the city you don't need to explore ) to see if it has enough resources.

- You send plunder with enough troops to bring 50K plus what your ships can carry (maximum 50K), a little more because they can only carry 95%.

- You put yourself on top of that city on the map and when there are 30 seconds left for the looting to take place you send it your loaded galleys (don't worry if you load more than 50K because the system only chooses 50K)

ALWAYS VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO RETREAT THAT PLAYER BEFORE A WEEK HAPPENS IS TO REMOVE THE GALLERIES NO MORE THAN YOU REMOVE THEM, if the galleys reach the player you can no longer plunder him NOT BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT PLUNDER PLUNDER 50K a week but because you can not give away more than 50K of resources a week to the same player.

That's the first trick and that's why he plunders you 100K, now comes the second trick.

Second trick:

- You throw another plunder to that city with enough troops to bring what all your ships can carry (up to 100K although they can carry more, plus a little for the 95%)

- Again you get on top of that city and when there are 30 seconds left you send the galleys loaded with wood or bronze, if you can load more than 50K you close that window and send again the rest of your ships with grain. Don't forget to remove the boats as soon as you loot.


Imagine you catch her with the extra looting and enough resources

30 extra + 10 normal X 100K in each looting is .............. 4 million resources


Hay truco y la cantidad que puedes saquear ( siempre que el contrario tenga suficientes recursos ) depende de lo que puedan transportar tus barcos.

El truco:

- Eliges una ciudad “gorda” y envías exploradores ( si ya conoces la ciudad lo mismo no necesitas explorar ) para ver si tiene suficientes recursos.

- Envías saqueo con suficiente tropa para traer 50K más lo que puedan transportar tus barcos ( máximo 50K ), un poco mas pues solo pueden cargar el 95%.

- Te pones encima de esa ciudad en el mapa y cuando faltan 30 segundos para que pegue el saqueo le envías tus galeras cargadas ( no te preocupe si cargas mas de 50K pues el sistema elije solo 50K )

SIEMPRE MUY IMPORTANTE SI QUIERES VOLVER A SAQUEAR A ESE JUGADOR ANTES DE QUE PASE UNA SEMANA ES RETIRAR LAS GALERAS NADA MAS QUE LE SAQUEES, si las galeras le llegan al jugador ya no le puedes saquear NO PORQUE NO SE PUEDA SAQUEAR MAS DE 50K SEMANALES sino porque no se puede regalar mas de 50K de recursos semanales a un mismo jugador.

Ese es el primer truco y por eso te saquea 100K, ahora viene el segundo truco.

Segundo truco :

- Lanzas otro saqueo a esa ciudad con tropa suficiente para traer lo que puedan cargar todos tus barcos ( hasta 100K aunque puedan cargar mas, mas un poco por lo del 95% )

- Otra vez te pones encima de esa ciudad y cuando faltan 30 segundos envías las galeras cargadas con madera o bronce, si puedes cargar mas de 50K cierras esa ventana y vuelves a enviar el resto de tus barcos con grano. No se te olvide retirar los barcos nada más saquear.


Imagínate que la coges con los saqueos extra y con suficientes recursos

30 extra + 10 normales X 100K en cada saqueo son ………… 4 millones de recursos

23 лют. 2020, 09:4123.02.20

It is the first time that a moderator admits that a trick exists and that a game company does not intervene towards the players who use it.

so let me understand. If a player buys real money resources that he pays at the plarium and another player uses tricks and bugs, and the plarium doesn't block it, what is this act called? And why would a player have to spend real money on a game where not even the company intervenes to block dishonest players?

23 лют. 2020, 10:3323.02.20

Every game has its tricks, on the internet you introduce the name of the game followed by "tricks" and you get a lot of pages where players share them, and this is one that was taught to me by the expert players of my coalition (I have expanded it as I have been plundered more than 50K in the second plunder, looking at what the other player was doing) and that you can find in the forum in other threads from long ago.

There is no bug, just take advantage of the time the game gives us and players who make tests to know them.

Todo juego tiene sus trucos, en internet introduces el nombre del juego seguido de "trucos" y te aparecen multitud de paginas donde los jugadores los comparten, y este es uno que me enseñaron los jugadores expertos de mi coalición ( yo lo e ampliado según me han ido saqueando mas de 50K en el segundo saqueo, fijándome lo que hacia el otro jugador ) y que lo puedes encontrar en el foro en otros hilos de hace tiempo.

No hay bug, solamente aprovechar los tiempos que nos da el juego y jugadores que hacen pruebas para conocerlos.

23 лют. 2020, 10:5223.02.20

the game imposes a raid limit of 50,000 resources. If there are tricks to get around this limit it is a bug.

If there was no limit imposed by the game we could talk about a normal thing. And I have nothing to complain about.

I know online games well and what are the basic rules for a correct game and when I find myself facing a trick or a bug. In this case it is a bug in the game that must be solved, otherwise players who do not know the trick or who want to play honestly are cheated.

However there is no problem. If spending real money means giving resources to bad players, I will no longer buy with real money.