Problem with rewards from position
Hello to all forum and mods .
Today like an hour ago i had an issue in persian positions....I was playing as normal and usual but suddenly while i was clearing out levels i didnt get any rewards for items,coffers,keys . All others seems to be fine! I made 1 hit in team position event because i think it was stucked but the same...Also i relog twice but nothing happened. In the end i open some of my inventory coffers broke some items and cleared the temporarly inventory but still the same. This is the first time something like this happens to me.I search for info in guidelines but i didnt find anything about it!...So i decided to make a topic to forum and see what's is going on :) . Notice that i had a long time to play this game because of my work almost 2,5 years and i rejoined something like 2 months ago. Also i forgot to mention before this happens i leveled up to 101today and 2 days before i reached 125 level in positions. So after all that i wanna ask you if there's was a limit for this (If we are consider Coa Conflict is alive ) or you make any kind of update in it.