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Persian Positions Rewards

Persian Positions Rewards

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
1 жовт. 2019, 05:4101.10.19

Persian Positions Rewards

Plarium.com via the app

Thracian Frontier

Windows 10

I have been having a major issue with rewards whilst playing on the Thracian server. I do not have this issue whilst playing on the Glorious Valley Server.

No matter how many PP I hit I am not getting any decent rewards at all and I do know how to play the game. For instance this evening I have been raiding many PP and not one good payout. I even spent over 60,000 drachmas to revive units. I am at the point of quitting as something is very seriously wrong with the rewards on the Thracian server.

Please see the screenshots below.

And before anyone says that I do not know how to fight the Persian Positions, this is my current score on the Glorious Valley server. Notice anything majorly different compared to the Thracian Server?

All decent to half decent rewards apart from two PP:

Current ranking in the Position Takeover on the Glorious Valley Server:

Something is very much amiss with the Thracian server as I use exactly the same tactics for fighting Persian Positions on both servers.
2 жовт. 2019, 01:1502.10.19
Nobody, seems to care that Plarium are openly doing this?
10 жовт. 2019, 08:4410.10.19

Thank you for the inquiry about this matter.

Let me share with you some info regarding Persian Positions.

You could probably decide that the value of the invested troops has not corresponded to your gains lately. And this, probably, was what made you reach us out. I hasten to dispel your worries about a bug that could creep into this functionality. The dev team keeps Persian Positions under the constant thorough control at all stages. 

As you know, I am sure, after every victory, there is a gap that gets generated and which you need to fill with units gradually in order to be able to win again. What is also important to remember here is that Positions are not designed for raising the number of your army, but for converting weaker units into stronger ones primarily. I would recommend taking a break from Positions, concentrating on building the troops that you would not feel sorry about losing later on Positions.