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10 things you need to know about Cultus

10 things you need to know about Cultus

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9 листоп. 2018, 12:4209.11.18

10 things you need to know about Cultus

Most of the coalition in Sparta knows that Cultus is on the brink of collapse/destruction, this is because of the arrogant leadership of Mr. Gemix. He portrays a leader of the corner alliance and wants to order everyone to follow his orders. He even threatens Kracken/Lady Trish because Gemix thinks they are not helping them, he also threatens the italian boys that he will come for them, so pathetic isnt it? the truth is, no one wants to help Gemix because he dragged everyone into his own mess. 

1st, Gemix attack FNF2 just because of a simple mistakes committed by a single player and now Gemix is wondering why Frangar is actively attacking them. 

2nd, Gemix is well known for his pointing finger attitude, blaming others and accusing falsely without evidence. 

3rd, he is using Nordman to threatens his enemy, without Nordman how would be Gemix look like? 

4th, when he felt no one wants to help him he threatens to leave the game and cry desperately for help, he even left the corner chatroom like a kid. 

5th, he never trust anyone, even his own team, he restrict all members from seeing their stats, even commanders who are from the AO merge group was restricted and complete gemix dont trust them. pity to all AO players that they have chosen the wrong path. 

6th, Morale in Cultus is very low and all Gemix can do is write a love letter to everyone just to keep his players stick with him and let their troops to be destroy.

7th, everyday more coalition are joining force to fight Cultus not to mention the bigger and stronger coalition. it was demonstrated already in the past that Cultus will never have a pantheon, actually they have one but it was destroyed. 

8th, planning to keep another pantheon will be a misfortune again for those who believes that Cultus can keep it, anyway, its not gemix army will going to be wasted, 100% the lower levels will shoulder the cost. 

9th, Gemix will soon disappear and those who follows him will regret it.

10th, it will never be today, tomorrow, next week, next month or next year but one thing for sure Cultus will go down just like the others.

To those who are being manipulated by Cultus/Gemix you still have time to think twice or even hundred times if its really worth it  allowing a single person holds your neck and obey.

The Alliance of Cultus Destruction will continue and will not stop till Cultus go to where it belongs.

ask your self

9 листоп. 2018, 19:1209.11.18

Gemix is a very nice guy and Hegemon of the greatest coalition in all of Sparta. 

I'm not real sure why so many people hate him. 

11 листоп. 2018, 08:1211.11.18
11 листоп. 2018, 08:14(відредаговано)

Another nice try to destroy the Cultus coalition!

Of course it is a war game and everyone use different tactics/politics to reach their goals. Its up to the community to decide which way they like. We as Cultus had fight, fight and will fight allways head to head. Of course not all people like this way of playing the game,and use foolish tactics like spreading lies, using alts, manipulating people, threatening or insultung coalitions to reach their goals. 

But you never see those people on the war field. So if anyone wants to destroy us, why you dont attack us. Since 1 year allways the same things.Coalition like bir gods infiltrate for example terminators, kicked their players and took down their capital together with others. Now as we have an alliance with Nordmann the enemy tries to destroy our relation with them with spreading lies and infiltrating both coalitions.

For those we have to use also tactics and thank you for showing us another spy! Go on with your foolish way of playing the game, Cultus stay close together, Cultus stay towards their allies and family and Cultus will also come back to the topp!

We dont talk we just scouted the bir gods capital yesterday and we will go for those foolish coalitions which cant fight head to head! Now its up to you: Dont talk just fight!
11 листоп. 2018, 09:0711.11.18
11 листоп. 2018, 15:26(відредаговано)


i ask you: Mr. Rubayaquino, why are you hiding behind a special forum nickname?

I think, you shows here nothing else than YOUR pointing finger attitude, YOUR passion for blaming others and  accusing falsely without evidence.

Look into the mirror, sweetie :)

Regards, Souvlaki

11 листоп. 2018, 09:2911.11.18

Guter Tipp schaut euch mal **Game of Thrones** an, da geht es hauptsächlich um Intrigen und Versuchungen sich einen Vorteil zu verschaffen  !! 

Aber alle die es Versucht haben sind kläglich mit dem Tot bestraft worden.

Es haben nur die überlebt die auch ehrlich für die Sache gestanden sind und sich fair zum Kampf gestellt haben.

Für immer Cultus bis in den Tot !!!

LG Florentine

CU Reni

11 листоп. 2018, 09:3911.11.18
CU Hoti55 said:

Another nice try to destroy the Cultus coalition!

Of course it is a war game and everyone use different tactics/politics to reach their goals. Its up to the community to decide which way they like. We as Cultus had fight, fight and will fight allways head to head. Of course not all people like this way of playing the game,and use foolish tactics like spreading lies, using alts, manipulating people, threatening or insultung coalitions to reach their goals. 

But you never see those people on the war field. So if anyone wants to destroy us, why you dont attack us. Since 1 year allways the same things.Coalition like bir gods infiltrate for example terminators, kicked their players and took down their capital together with others. Now as we have an alliance with Nordmann the enemy tries to destroy our relation with them with spreading lies and infiltrating both coalitions.

For those we have to use also tactics and thank you for showing us another spy! Go on with your foolish way of playing the game, Cultus stay close together, Cultus stay towards their allies and family and Cultus will also come back to the topp!

We dont talk we just scouted the bir gods capital yesterday and we will go for those foolish coalitions which cant fight head to head! Now its up to you: Dont talk just fight!
Gemix, when did you fight head to head? for all we know you took down small coalition and fighting bigger one is always with the help of Nordman. Tell me if that wasnt true? yes you have succesfully scouted BIR capital and then what? you think that is an achievement? were in fact it was already scouted by Nordman a few months ago by penthe. we are not spreading lies in Sparta, we are just telling what is true  and real. Tell me if its not true that after crying in corner chatroom then you left and said you are tired of this sh it because no one wants to help you, true or not? Tell me if you did not threaten Ladytrish, true or not? This 10 thngs are not just propaganda,but it is supported by real event  evidence, we are not using dirty tactics, we are just exposing the real thing. and yes those who li ck your a s s will surely suffer soon. Lastly, why dont you scout IR or Frangar or Titans300 so you will see how it looks like. talking is justpart of this game and everyone as their own opinion :-)
11 листоп. 2018, 09:5911.11.18

Mr RUBYAQUINO or should I call you Mr Keyboard Warrior?

I played a lot of representative sport, not that it is important. But I learnt there are 2 types of people in general when it comes to games.

The first group are those who actually play the game and know what they are talking about and what really happens "on field".

The second group are people like you. Lots of commentary from an armchair and remote control, lots of vitriol about the players and some dreamt up dramas and infighting. There is no resemblance to what really happens within a team, the mood of the team or what the team is about or its tactics. 

Your 10 points are from someone who has never been part of a cohesive team that is well lead and has clear internal communication. Like I said,you are a zero player like a lot of "professional" sport commentators who haven't got a clue. As the saying goes - those who can, do while those who can't, 

For the record, I'm a fairly low ranked and ordinary Spartan player. Yet I know exactly what this coalition is doing, when, why and how to prepare amongst other things.

Like other wannabees, your comments are for me /ignore
11 листоп. 2018, 11:5811.11.18
11 листоп. 2018, 12:15(відредаговано)

So Gemix youre a peeper, well the rules are as at the nudy bar, you may look but you cant touch

mvh Loke
11 листоп. 2018, 12:2011.11.18

hello everyone,

 I see you talking well, blame you all the time and even though sometimes we cry, we do not do it on a forum, with your fear of losing your army belly, 

lies and discussion are weapons that you handle apparently very well, so take your army and come and make talk weapons rather than trying to talk 

badly about gemix or others, we are waiting for you, come, be happy the time will come one day.

Good game to you


11 листоп. 2018, 12:3011.11.18
11 листоп. 2018, 15:24(відредаговано)

harees88 said:

 "we are not spreading lies in Sparta, we are just telling what is true  and real." 

You try again to make voice against Cultus. Cultus has never opened a thread to make another coa bad, that's not our style, that's the style of intriguers. You call it "truth", i call it poor.

11 листоп. 2018, 12:5011.11.18

Hallo geliebte Feinde,

mein Englisch ist unterirdisch also bemüht den Übersetzer, oder auch nicht.

Ein starkes Stück Prosa was du da absonderst bester RUBY.

In diesem Spiel geht es darum Hacken zu schlagen, Feinde zu schlagen und den Gegner so gut es eben geht zu verarschen.

Mal trifft es den einen mal den anderen.

Warum meinst du werter  RUBY die Mitspieler hier vor CU und im speziellen vor Gemix warnen zu müssen?

Setz doch bitte deine Maske ab damit man dich sehen kann, so wie du zur Zeit zu sehen bist, erinnerts mich an einen Troll.


der Schmock

11 листоп. 2018, 12:5511.11.18

Whats up Cowards?

Want kill me with Time? Stop Talking and attak.

BTW Gemix is my alt so you know where find me.

GG or BG ?dont know what you all are playing. Only see Posting on Grouping.

Spa the Coward Maker
11 листоп. 2018, 14:1511.11.18

It is always very interesting to observe how some people assemble a worldview because of their subjective perceptions. Here an information, there an experience and then you put something together, which benefits your own ego. maybe you should do some more expert research? maybe your intel is not well staffed? or maybe you should learn the property, to examine things a little more thoroughly, before you put such unqualified talk in a forum. obviously you do not have much idea of ​​what's realy going on behind the stage. 

11 листоп. 2018, 14:4811.11.18

Schaut euch folgenden Post vom 10. Juni 2018 03:57 PM UTC an !!

Verfasser : Höllenfürst

Mehr muss man zu deinem sogenanntem 10 Punkte Post nicht sagen :-)
11 листоп. 2018, 15:2611.11.18


- Registered on July 13, 2016.

- 1 post posted on SPARTA since registered 3 years ago.

So, of course, we can be reassured about the knowledge and skills of this very present player in the community. We even are more reassured about the veracity of his allegations, since he has the honesty to use one of his secondary accounts to come and chat on CULTUS, at the risk of exposing himself his own identity as being a manipulator.

10 points addressed. 10 allegations without any evidence.

The only one who seems most credible is point No. 10… one day the capital CULTUS will fall, but there is no any evidence yet of this dream, but others have fallen long before and others fall well afterwards.

You promise us a future without pantheons… I'am happy to know that you are yourself happy with that. What is true is that the last one we held fell within 2 days after receiving attacks from 62 different coalitions. In such conditions no coalition can hold pantheons.

And you valiant propaganda warriors show us the facts of weapons by revealing your global ranking, I'm talking about your global ranking on SPARTA not your world ranking at the World Knitting Championship. in wich you are certainly a top leader

As you see, all the CULTUS that responded to your message did so with their true player identity and not planked behind a pseudo cover, which was himself behind a computer.

If you don't have courage, show a little honesty in the way you express yourself on a public forum to make allegations to someone you don't even know, and you may never even have heard the sound of the voice.

Cultus has never betrayed one of these allies and will never betray one of those allies. Only those who betrayed CULTUS in the past or are allies with those who betrayed CULTUS have or will received the wrath of CULTUS. Not the others.

11 листоп. 2018, 15:3011.11.18

Ich bin sehr mit der Führung mit Gemix zufrieden. Zudem wollen meine Soldaten nicht nur in den Kasernen trainieren.

Wenn von der Führung, anderen Mitgliedern oder Verbündeten Truppen angefordert werden, dann erhalten sie diese. 

Schieb dir deine Lügen dahin wo keine Sonne scheint und lass Taten sprechen!
11 листоп. 2018, 15:5211.11.18
11 листоп. 2018, 15:55(відредаговано)

This is a game and there are many ways to play it. Some fight a battle of words and others fight on the battlefield. I greatly appreciate the relationships and leadership Gemix has shown. He has put together a strong coalition with Cultus United and a strong alliance with Nordman. The Cultus United and Nordman alliance dominates the game. Many try to divide and conquer with a war of words. Cultus United and Nordman conquer with their armies. Their alliance is strong and a war of words will not break it.

We have heard threats of going after the Nordman and Cultus United capitals for many months now. So far all we have seen is attacks on members of their family. That does not show dominating strength. Good luck and best wishes to you playing the game. I think you are gonna need it.

11 листоп. 2018, 17:5411.11.18

I have been in several coalitions with many bad things happening to me due to poor leadership, none of which has or will happen in Cultus with Gemix at the lead.  Besides, Gemix isn't monolithic, we are a team and the entire team has input as to our directions we take.  A few things listed below that will never happen in Cultus that WOULD happen in the coalitions of these hatemongers:

1.)  Hedgemon and poles ask you to send their entire defense to capital and when it's hit, your PVP is higher than theirs.

2.)  Leadership receives slanderous messaging about me and they act on it without any opportunity to refute the charges leveled.  Eating their young is what I've experienced elsewhere when unjustly accused of something I did not do.  It will never happen in Cultus.

3.)  While all top coalitions have spies, promoting them is something that is less likely to happen in Cultus.

4.)  Leadership speaking disrespectfully to either it's own members and allies, or even enemies.

5.)  Training, sharing information that is non-existent in most other coalitions which cause players not to have all the facts they need to make the best decisions about their city and their army.

6.)  Discipline:  the expectations for uniformity and targeted single purpose with our objectives is something I've not experienced anywhere else in Sparta.

7.)   Leadership ignoring the counsel of the team when the idea makes sense, and when it doesn't, the courtesy of replying honestly with a reason why it may not be best for the coalition.

8.)  A shared respect for people with language barriers, with all message from leadership distributed in bilingual fashion, something no French or Italian coalition has ever been respectful enough to do in my experience.

These are just a few of the reasons that Cultus United has been the best coalition I've had the honor to be a member of.  I don't see where all this hate is coming from, we are taught polite discourse and respect for our enemies from all the leadership, so in my mind, we're the good guys, but it's all in one's perspective.  Time will tell who is on the right side of history.

11 листоп. 2018, 19:0511.11.18

Seems you do not know anything about Cultus.

This COA never ever had ONE Leader doing their one-man show like some other coas.

I played a long period for Cultus , you may like them or not , but they play as a team and big decisions where made

on COA meetings in Teamspeak with all members.

The long war against HOB which means loosing Top Ranking and all Pans was an decision of the whole coaliton in teamspeak.

The relationship between Cultus and Nordman was diffucult as long as i knew both , that they play togehter today is result of a very long development. And not anyone was happy with this.

Cultus is a fighting coalition in a war game , not having peace with 100 coalitions. I think thats ok , if you mess with them be prepared or ask for mercy - sometimes they grant mercy.

Telling rumors about ingame opponents is bad style.

11 листоп. 2018, 19:1811.11.18

Recently at the cultus I felt immediately at my ease.

I was very well received and the discussions are excellent within the coalition. I have not been asked specifically to participate in the life of the coalition and its development if this is normal for such a strong coalition.

I just had the opportunity to see gemix at work during a battle. Nothing that has been said against him is like what I have read or heard; Everyone has the right to express his ideas. But what I noticed the most is great cohesion, great fidelity to the warlord and a happy mood within the coaltion.