Hello Archon,
Unless you email and password have been disclosed to someone who can long in your account, people can't see much of what you're doing.
Even then, if somone was using your account, you would be warned by a message saying your game session would have expired.
Now about other coaltion members including you hegemon andpoleparches, or spys from another coaltion who may have joined yours :
The only information that could be gotten would be :
- If you've logged into the game recently (from the embassy)
- I think the hegemon and polemarches can know how many total defense and offense you have, but not the details
- Everybody in your coalition entitled to do so can see the exact troops you've stored in shared locations, such a pantheons
- If you sent reinforcements to someone's city or colony, he can see exactly what you stored there (not in personal detail for colonies in case several people are reinforcing, only the overall list)
- If someone has sent reoinforcements to your city, he receives reports whenever you get scouted, raided, besieged or bombed
- If you have personal allies (from the embassy), they can turn on a feature to see some of your reports, especially when your city, colonies or protectorates get scouted, raided, besieged or bombed. In addtion, they may see your own scouting, raids, sieges or bombing reports (though I have the feeling they've been removed as I don't seem to get them anymore).
But nobody can know anything else.
When you send troops away or recall them, nobody can know when they depart nor come back. Except if the target's owner could note when your troops hit or left hilm, and he calculates the travel time from the incoming trip information. It's tedious, but possible.
However, nobody can know when somone would recall his reinforcements from your city : only their owner can and nobody else, even you actually can't know when they left, unless you've been watching all the time, or you returned them yourself.
So either the person who removed his reinforcements has disclosed this infomation to someone or on the chat, or he owns another account (so he's a cheater in addition to being a traitor), or it's purely coincidental.