i am just saying okay, i'm not taking any sides in this war between these to coalition from the perspective of a player that doesn't spend money and just play a honorable game and a nobody in the game but from the looks off this war both coalition have heart, fighting drive and money
so i observer from forums and videos that each coalition may have post here and the true reality from my perspective is that nordman is the strongest coalition in the game and fight often and has some of the biggest coiners in hellos congrats to that lot of fight in them and they don't hide to often unless they are being p'a as reapers like to do from my fights with them i would bubble too
now reapers have nothing against you but u guys have the biggest fight of your hands and u have heart to try and fight so congrats to that your capital, pantheons and members coalition have all been destroy when it comes to your capital and pantheons but a lot of heart to fight on who wouldn't
great hegmon of reaper your video only show your wins against nordman but i am sure u lost a lot of battles too so show those as well if u talk about reality
congrats for taking nordman pantheons down capital well be different than a pantheon that is nordman whole life there so think a couple times before u do that
reaper coalition since u guys have so much victory why do your cities be under 24/7 bubbles and all u fight with is p'a so that is very poor on your hands because if u guys were so good u wouldn't need it and nordman strongest players will put the final nail in your fight and make all of u farms if u come out that bubble so u do u. fighting under a bubble and calling yourself a warrior is like calling yourself a vegan and eating meat so do something about it.
if anyone think that reaper is responsible for nordman being rank 47 they are wrong just throwing that out there.
so good luck is your war reapers and family coalitions and nordman good luck to u guys
just u need to stop disrespecting each other its a game so relax a little and be respectful
so as i say dont hate for no one just from what i saw
PS i speak very bad English so sorry about that
and if anyone disagrees with what i say i can prove it since this is like the biggest thing in sparta
Hi Coktailus
Sorry .. i didn't want to say here anything about the message you tried to put into this video! .. but your video suxx. Only 480p .. 4:3 instead of 16:9 format .. no action in there. Why the hell is this vid 14:45 min long, especially after 3 minutes nothing happen? only black screen ..
Seems you have to learn a lot of things. But don't worry .. Nordmann is here to help you! ;)
to be honest unless HOB was john wick not much they can do against 6 other coalition or 5 cant really remember, i mean lets be real here not even nordman can handle 6 coalition of that caliber after them also as titan players are over there might have a chance but lets be real if u have a capital of 50 billion def someone will come a day and show u that def is nothing against 100 billion off so just saying
good luck guys in your fights and wars
Yet again the false user id 951175 is purporting to be me, user id 743053, I have no comment to make on this matter, I very rarely post on Forum, in fact, I very rarely look at it, however, I will have to check more often because the first I know about things is when I get an in game message asking why I have said what I am supposed to have said.Yeah, right. C'mon, dont be coward all your life. We are close to find you.