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VIP Status Creates New Unfair and Unequal Advantages

VIP Status Creates New Unfair and Unequal Advantages

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27 груд. 2017, 11:1927.12.17

VIP Status Creates New Unfair and Unequal Advantages

4 those of u enjoying the new VIP advantages know it will b why everyone else will quit the game. VIP status is a sign that the game is dying. It is what they do so you will continue 2 spend your money. games do it when other things do not not work to hook u & reel u in. it makes me wayy  sad & it is why i will quit the game. happy holidays & i will miss u all when i finally decide the game itself has added 1 too many inequities. 

27 груд. 2017, 17:2527.12.17

GameGirl said:

4 those of u enjoying the new VIP advantages know it will b why everyone else will quit the game. VIP status is a sign that the game is dying. It is what they do so you will continue 2 spend your money. games do it when other things do not not work to hook u & reel u in. it makes me wayy  sad & it is why i will quit the game. happy holidays & i will miss u all when i finally decide the game itself has added 1 too many inequities. 

I agree !!!

VIP status is unfair!!
4 січ. 2018, 14:3504.01.18

Hello :)

The main advantage of the VIP Program is a high-quality dedicated support service. I don't think it's a thing that can lead to the end of the game.

Plus, any player can be added to the program. We just can't add all players who suit the requirements at once as the program is still in the development mode.

10 лют. 2018, 15:1610.02.18
What are the requirements to get VIP Status
11 лют. 2018, 09:5411.02.18

Hoeax said:

What are the requirements to get VIP Status


This is very "vague" at the moment. We don't really know on which statistics are based the people who choose the VIP, in any case they are only suppositions.  I am sure you will get more information when the program is expanded.

29 берез. 2018, 14:1929.03.18

ive been here a long time and i have no idea what "V.I.P" Status you guys are referring too?

certainly not exec status. plz, fill me in. i would love to get in on some of it
20 трав. 2018, 00:0220.05.18
Alina Phoenix said:

Hello :)

The main advantage of the VIP Program is a high-quality dedicated support service. I don't think it's a thing that can lead to the end of the game.

Plus, any player can be added to the program. We just can't add all players who suit the requirements at once as the program is still in the development mode.

That is the lamest answer I have ever seen. Where are the qualifications for VIP status, how do players qualify? how do player apply for VIP status? In essence, your lame answer is this: Plarium: We have selected a few players to have an unfair advantage over all other players by not allowing all players to have information on how to apply and become a VIP player. 
NeversmilexCommunity Manager
24 трав. 2018, 14:4324.05.18

Rocket said:

Alina Phoenix said:

Hello :)

The main advantage of the VIP Program is a high-quality dedicated support service. I don't think it's a thing that can lead to the end of the game.

Plus, any player can be added to the program. We just can't add all players who suit the requirements at once as the program is still in the development mode.

That is the lamest answer I have ever seen. Where are the qualifications for VIP status, how do players qualify? how do player apply for VIP status? In essence, your lame answer is this: Plarium: We have selected a few players to have an unfair advantage over all other players by not allowing all players to have information on how to apply and become a VIP player. 

Hi, Rocket! Nice to meet you ;)

Unfortunately, we don't have the requirements to join the VIP program. The only thing that I can tell you about it, is that you can't apply to join VIP, but you can receive the invitation in the game. As far as I know, your activity in the game, experience, and influence on the community are ones of the most significant things that are considered while selecting players.

I know it doesn't help much, but that's all the information that we have now. If anything changes, we'll do our best to keep you posted!

11 черв. 2018, 06:3711.06.18
Vip status ,,,,,,,mmmmmmm how big is your credit card , if very big , you get a invite 
11 черв. 2018, 10:4911.06.18

IsacHunt said:

Vip status ,,,,,,,mmmmmmm how big is your credit card , if very big , you get a invite 

Buying a few offers may influence the decision of the VIP service. But this status cannot be bought, it must be deserved.

25 черв. 2018, 17:1225.06.18
GameGirl ha detto:Plarium sta' uccidendo il gioco.   LO stato VIP e solo per incapaci

4 quelli che ti stanno godendo i nuovi vantaggi VIP sanno che sarà il motivo per cui tutti gli altri abbandoneranno il gioco. Lo stato VIP è un segno che il gioco sta morendo. È quello che fanno così continuerai a spendere i tuoi soldi. i giochi lo fanno quando le altre cose non funzionano per agganciarti  e farli entrare. Mi rende triste e questo è il motivo per cui lascerò il gioco. Buone vacanze e mi mancherai quando alla fine deciderò che il gioco ha aggiunto 1 troppe disuguaglianze. 

25 черв. 2018, 17:1325.06.18
Paul Gladkiy ha detto:
 FALSO lo stato VIP si acuisice  , solo se spendi motl,o denaro , Plarium sta uccidendo il gioco.  

Rocket ha detto:

Alina Phoenix ha detto:

Ciao :)

Il principale vantaggio del programma VIP è un servizio di supporto dedicato di alta qualità. Non penso che sia una cosa che può portare alla fine del gioco.

Inoltre, qualsiasi giocatore può essere aggiunto al programma. Non è possibile aggiungere tutti i giocatori che soddisfano i requisiti contemporaneamente poiché il programma è ancora in modalità di sviluppo.

Questa è la risposta più debole che abbia mai visto. Dove sono le qualifiche per lo stato VIP, come si qualificano i giocatori? come si applica il giocatore per lo stato VIP? In sostanza, la tua risposta zoppa è questa: Plarium:  abbiamo selezionato alcuni giocatori per avere un vantaggio ingiusto su tutti gli altri giocatori, non permettendo a tutti i giocatori di avere informazioni su come candidarsi e diventare un giocatore VIP. 

Ciao, Rocket! Piacere di conoscerti ;)

Sfortunatamente, non abbiamo i requisiti per aderire al programma VIP. L'unica cosa che posso dirti è che non puoi presentare domanda per unirti a VIP, ma puoi ricevere l'invito nel gioco. Per quanto ne so, la tua attività nel gioco, l'esperienza e l'influenza sulla community sono le cose più importanti che vengono considerate durante la selezione dei giocatori.

So che non aiuta molto, ma questa è tutta l'informazione che abbiamo ora. Se qualcosa cambia, faremo del nostro meglio per tenerti aggiornato!

25 черв. 2018, 17:1525.06.18

Plarium is' sailing on sight without direction, he is doing everything wrong. Plarium is killing the game. there is no mechanical attack against defense. there is nothing sensible.

3 лип. 2018, 20:0603.07.18

I've spent about $200. Dose that make me a coiner? The biggest package I've purchased was a $50 deal. I know people that have spent $1000's and none of them you would really want to mess with. As they have 30,000,000+ men stationed at their base. I don't see the problem supporting a game I love. Coiners make all this possible. Now a few of them have some exclusive rights and everyone is complaining about it. I know it's in it's beta phase rite now but eventually I'll be able to turn on VIP as easy as activating executive status. 

I would expect more from the $50 and the $99.

I hope to see discounts for master engineers.

They are crazy expensive.

12 верес. 2018, 06:3812.09.18

          Let's see, on yeah I'm a VIP and I know a lot of players that spend money on this game and they don't hold any VIP status. I had spent about $50.00 dollars and was a level 84 when I got an invite from the VIP support team. I Asked them why and they explained to me that the computer picked me because of different things I was doing in the game. VIP's get no special privileges. We do have direct access to Plarium's high quality and dedicated VIP support team. They answer all our questions, Suggestions, and complaints. All VIP's answer surveys given to us by our agents that help to make the game better. So think about it, can you imagine Plarium trying to answer every players questions. It would never happen. If a VIP does it right he can help his combine by using his direct access to the VIP support team to get questions or problems answered much more quickly. I have done this many times and it has worked to our advantage every time. There are people in the game that will always take a good thing and make it look like it's bad when in reality it benefits everyone. And you know what you might be the next VIP.


      Dan Smith

26 квіт. 2020, 16:1026.04.20

good evening, I have been playing soldier.inc for many years now I have also lost my account and you can verify it very well by myself I spent a fortune in this game and what I see ...... I come to discover by looking at the map that there is a VIP status of to which not only have I not been informed but I have not even been offered the possibility of being part of it after years of spending money ... not only will I not spend a single cent anymore but I think that soon I will abandon the game by canceling my coalition .... have a good time .

Miriam Memi
31 лип. 2020, 07:3731.07.20

Although I myself criticized the VIP status. and believing the same things mentioned by others in this discussion. To my surprise, the VIP invitation arrived.

Reasoning about this invitation, I drew my conclusions, and I agree and say, that it is your actions in the game, which influence For the most part, It is the reasons are very simple,. And being VIP does not bring advantages or favors. .

16 лип. 2023, 22:4116.07.23

many have asked me why i'm not vip after all i do for everyone and being here over 8 years... all i can say is, i'm not a coiner

12 груд. 2023, 17:0112.12.23

$15-20 a month i spend isnt enough 😉