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Do some math

Do some math

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4 жовт. 2018, 14:3004.10.18

Do some math

After the most recent update by Plarium, we are able to upgrade our base buildings to higher levels. Lets make clear that each and every player at Soldiers Inc. is entitled to his or her own opinion and can decide to upgrade or not. 

Lets take a closer look at the new available upgrade for your Bunker*.

You can see the highlighted boxes and now we can do some math:

- Considering you need 4000 Upgrade Desigs at 4 X 1.000 UD = 4 X 10.000 diamonds = 40.000 diamonds

- Considering you don't wish to wait 17d. 7h. 20m to finsh the upgrade to level 27, you need another 46.230 diamonds to finish it instantly

- Considering you buy for €73(= $84,10) diamonds deal for a sum of 56.000 diamonds**

Total needed: 86.230 diamonds = 2x €73 (= $84,10) diamonds deal for a sum of 112.000 diamonds = €146 (= $168,20) needed to get the above done. 

Real cost : (56.000 diamonds / €73 (= $84,10) = 767,123 diamonds for €1**
Needed: 40.000 diamonds + 46.230 diamonds = 86.230 diamonds / 767,123 = €112,41 (= $129,49)**

To sum it all up:
If you wish to upgrade your bunker from level 26 to level 27 with the considerations mentioned above you need to spend €112,41 (= $129,49) and use 86.230 diamonds. This to save you from losing Cobra Rangers build and dropped from your building queue with attacks on your base. If you look at the average player who will be out of the game for approximately 12hrs, that would be 12 Cobra Rangers possible lost by an attack. 

In consideration the average player will have their Sick Bay at level 13 which would allow the average player to restore 30% for free. Basically the average player would spend €112,41 (= $129,49) to save 8 Cobra Rangers based on being out of the game for 12hrs and have 12 Cobra Rangers build. Reviving 8 Cobra Rangers would cost you 8 x 38 diamonds = 304 diamonds. Assuming you would buy the €73(= $84,10) 56.000 diamonds deal  two times and use the 112.000 diamonds only to revive lost Cobra Rangers each day. One can revive 2944 Cobra Rangers. Revive 8 each day for 368 days. 

To spend 86.230 diamonds for €112,41 (= $129,49) one would need to buy two 56.000 diamond deals €73(= $84,10) x2 = €146(=$168,26)** From two €73(= $84,10) 56.000 diamond deals you do receive 112.000 diamonds - 86.230 diamonds = 25.770 diamonds left to spend

- Make up your own mind 

- Calculations don't lie. 

If it is rather ridiculous to upgrade your Bunker with above considerations is totally up to each individual player. One will see the greed amd the other will be finished upgrading already. Maybe other users from this Forum can look at other buildings and offer the same calculations in this thread? It would become an overview and advice to others. 

* This calculation is based on upgrading your bunker from level 26 to level 27
** Calculation based on the €73(= $84,10) 56.000 diamonds deal and current exchange rates between € and $

4 жовт. 2018, 14:3804.10.18
Dude you need a hobby lol
5 жовт. 2018, 02:2305.10.18

spending a lot of money for Flash based game is just idiotic

 my diamond deal usually $7.98 for 14.000 diamond

5 жовт. 2018, 08:4305.10.18

Many upgrades are useless.

I have done al my resource production buildings to level 25.

Together with the daily raids i get more then enough resources to keep extending my building queue on troops.

Many players already have several months of troops building queue.
Some players that do 100k raids every day even have years of troops building.

Without a way to faster convert resources into units, upgrading my production for more resources is useless.

ok, with enough production i can completly stop raiding for resources, and the 5% offense and defense bonus is also nice.
But not needing to raid will only make the game more boring.

I dont want more resources, i want a way to increase troop building speed.

5 жовт. 2018, 13:1405.10.18

fantastic maths,and great advice from some seasoned players

the long and short of the updates is money spent in the game we are all use to cash players with massive offence/defence , the sad fact is those players come and go or stop spending WE the little spenders or the play for fun guys are the core of Plarium

The basics of the game will always remain the same raid,build troops,upgrade contracts,upgrade buildings and play SnD

In my opinion which counts for little WE as players of this game need to promote the building up of our bases with resources and hard time spent at the keyboard

6 жовт. 2018, 19:5906.10.18

plarium is killing itself. with these upward updates of armies and power. 100 rich (or losers in life) players who spend, they pass the shade to 1000 normal players. this palrium did not understand it. Add her traps to make you lose troops, and her delays specially designed to do any action. It makes this play always interesting mneo.

I ems spending my monthly badget, exactly because of these tricks .. REFLECT on this game.

6 жовт. 2018, 20:0006.10.18
Falcon1313 ha detto:

matematica fantastica e ottimi consigli di alcuni giocatori esperti

il lungo e il meno degli aggiornamenti sono i soldi spesi nel gioco che tutti noi usiamo per incassare giocatori con offesa / difesa massiccia, il fatto triste è che quei giocatori vanno e vengono o smettono di spendere WE i piccoli spesi o il gioco per i ragazzi divertenti sono i nucleo di Plarium

Le basi del gioco rimarranno sempre lo stesso raid, costruiranno truppe, aggiorneranno i contratti, aggiorneranno gli edifici e giocheranno su SnD

A mio avviso, ciò conta per i piccoli WE in quanto i giocatori di questo gioco devono promuovere la costruzione delle nostre basi con risorse e tempo speso alla tastiera

6 жовт. 2018, 20:0206.10.18

EricS3 ha detto:

Plarium non studia il gioco per il nostro divertimento, studia il gioco solo per il proprio profitto, uccidendosi. Ho rifiutato l'offerta VIP.

Molti aggiornamenti sono inutili.

Ho fatto tutti gli edifici della mia produzione di risorse al livello 25.

Insieme ai raid giornalieri ottengo più risorse sufficienti per continuare ad estendere la mia coda di costruzione sulle truppe.

Molti giocatori hanno già diversi mesi di truppe che costruiscono la coda.
Alcuni giocatori che fanno incursioni di 100k ogni giorno hanno anche anni di costruzione di truppe.

Senza un modo per convertire più rapidamente le risorse in unità, l'aggiornamento della mia produzione per più risorse è inutile.

ok, con una produzione sufficiente posso fermare completamente l'incursione di risorse, e anche il 5% di offesa e bonus di difesa è bello.
Ma il fatto di non dover effettuare raid renderà il gioco ancora più noioso.

Non voglio più risorse, voglio un modo per aumentare la velocità di costruzione delle truppe.

6 листоп. 2018, 15:0206.11.18
Besticio said:

EricS3 ha detto:

Plarium non studia il gioco per il nostro divertimento, studia il gioco solo per il proprio profitto, uccidendosi. Ho rifiutato l'offerta VIP.

That's nothing new. In fact it is a well know gaming industry strategy. Plarium is just making it to obvious. 
6 листоп. 2018, 15:5106.11.18

Accetto di supportare il gioco, ma ci sono modi più efficaci per la mia mente. per farci spendere i nostri euro. Se mi dai quello che chiedo, sono felice, se mi chiedi euro, devi rendermi felice, se sono felice, spendo euro.

  Se "Plarium mi rende triste, con i loro trucchi del settore, non spendo. Ho già ridotto le mie spese mensili del 70%.

I piccoli giocatori fanno felici, questi crescono fanno nuovi battaglioni, nuovi acquisti. e siamo tutti più felici. Ma il plarium con queste spedizioni uccide il piccolo giocatore e stanca il vecchio. deve introdurre qualcosa di nuovo. gli alieni di alcuni anni fa erano più divertenti

7 листоп. 2018, 12:0107.11.18
7 листоп. 2018, 12:01(відредаговано)
Besticio said:

Accetto di supportare il gioco, ma ci sono modi più efficaci per la mia mente. per farci spendere i nostri euro. Se mi dai quello che chiedo, sono felice, se mi chiedi euro, devi rendermi felice, se sono felice, spendo euro.

  Se "Plarium mi rende triste, con i loro trucchi del settore, non spendo. Ho già ridotto le mie spese mensili del 70%.

I piccoli giocatori fanno felici, questi crescono fanno nuovi battaglioni, nuovi acquisti. e siamo tutti più felici. Ma il plarium con queste spedizioni uccide il piccolo giocatore e stanca il vecchio. deve introdurre qualcosa di nuovo. gli alieni di alcuni anni fa erano più divertenti

I agree. You can compare it with a lemon. Plarium will squeeze that lemon harder and harder to get the juice out. If it stops producing juice(revenue), the lemon will be dropped and replaced with a new lemon(other Plarium games). 
7 листоп. 2018, 13:3307.11.18

Great calculations, congratulations - I agree, mathematics is not lying.

I wanted to write that if developers do not stop, it will be too late, but I'm not sure if it's not too late.

15 листоп. 2018, 12:5315.11.18

hi guys. i saw the post and had to check it out. you did a fine job assessing the specifics of the upgrades, but i was a little confused about why you assumed that we all would spend the extra diamonds on having the upgrade completed instantly? (i for one would not, the only packages i ever buy are $10 or less, except for the one time i bought a $50 package by mistake while connecting from a phone instead of my PC).

i know there are a great many different ways to play, and no one way is the best way, but for me, Patients has always served to be the more wise decision, and in this game is always the cheapest. yes, 17-18 days is a really long time to wait for something, but it is sure as hell not worth paying over 50k diamonds just to get it done right now, that's 50k i could invest in yet more upgrade designs to upgrade something else, thus making me even more powerful. Boosting it like that is an option for a coiner. not a commander who super-micro manages everything about there base on a daily basis from sending out all 10 available raids, to hiring that last 7 sappers i can now afford. i am the kind of person who follows the advise of one whom has been playing a few years longer than myself: "Never pay full price for anything". if you simply wait for it a little bit, there will be a discount that will come along, except for:unlocking Armory slots, (as of yet) unlocking hero gear slots, and ALL of the Special Misc. items save for the 'force trackers' and 'precise Relocaters'. and there is no discounts on anything that cost IPs. 

21 листоп. 2018, 12:1321.11.18
21 листоп. 2018, 12:13(відредаговано)

elli_valentine said:

hi guys. i saw the post and had to check it out. you did a fine job assessing the specifics of the upgrades, but i was a little confused about why you assumed that we all would spend the extra diamonds on having the upgrade completed instantly? (i for one would not, the only packages i ever buy are $10 or less, except for the one time i bought a $50 package by mistake while connecting from a phone instead of my PC).

i know there are a great many different ways to play, and no one way is the best way, but for me, Patients has always served to be the more wise decision, and in this game is always the cheapest. yes, 17-18 days is a really long time to wait for something, but it is sure as hell not worth paying over 50k diamonds just to get it done right now, that's 50k i could invest in yet more upgrade designs to upgrade something else, thus making me even more powerful. Boosting it like that is an option for a coiner. not a commander who super-micro manages everything about there base on a daily basis from sending out all 10 available raids, to hiring that last 7 sappers i can now afford. i am the kind of person who follows the advise of one whom has been playing a few years longer than myself: "Never pay full price for anything". if you simply wait for it a little bit, there will be a discount that will come along, except for:unlocking Armory slots, (as of yet) unlocking hero gear slots, and ALL of the Special Misc. items save for the 'force trackers' and 'precise Relocaters'. and there is no discounts on anything that cost IPs. 

Each player has his/her own scheme of playing the game. 

In this case, the scheme with purchasing the Offers is displayed and for those players who use it, this information is really useful :)

Though, there are many players who are as patient as you are and manage to upgrade their Base successfully. 
21 листоп. 2018, 15:5521.11.18


may i ask you, in general, why is there no official information about the cost of upgrade designs to maximize a building? Whether it's contracts or buildings, all we get to see are the cost for a next level/upgrade that is ahead. I find it very hard to manage and organize my base without those vital informations.

28 листоп. 2018, 11:0328.11.18

makaveli said:


may i ask you, in general, why is there no official information about the cost of upgrade designs to maximize a building? Whether it's contracts or buildings, all we get to see are the cost for a next level/upgrade that is ahead. I find it very hard to manage and organize my base without those vital informations.

The answer is simple: we want players to find it out by themselves and then share with each other :)

For example, those who upgraded the Buildings already can create the table with the number of resources required for it and post in on Forum, on Rage page or official group, etc.

You can ask other players whether they upgraded Buildings or Contracts and have such kind of table.
28 листоп. 2018, 23:1828.11.18

Alina Phoenix said:

The answer is simple: we want players to find it out by themselves and then share with each other :)

For example, those who upgraded the Buildings already can create the table with the number of resources required for it and post in on Forum, on Rage page or official group, etc.

You can ask other players whether they upgraded Buildings or Contracts and have such kind of table.

That is indeed a simple answer, no offense. I can't deny that it's a smart move to do so. Your costumers not only pay for your products, they even work for you. That is how i understand your answer, just not so direct.