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Free Premium Battle Passes!

Free Premium Battle Passes!

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AlinaCommunity Manager
24 берез. 2020, 15:1924.03.20

Free Premium Battle Passes!

Free Premium Battle Passes!

Stay Home, Stay Safe

Fellow Gamers,

We know a lot of you are currently staying home under self-quarantine and will be for at least the next few weeks, just like us here at Plarium.

Safety comes first. Social distancing is the right thing to do to protect ourselves and those around us, but it doesn't make being locked inside all day any less... boring.

To try and make things a little more fun, we’re giving everyone who has reached level 15 the following:

1 - Free Premium March Battle Pass! Go to the Battle Pass Window to claim your Rewards and rush to increase your Battle Pass Level.

If you've already got the Premium Battle Pass, don't worry: in this case you'll get 10 Level Finishers. Use them to your advantage!

2 - Free Premium April Battle Pass! When April comes around everyone will have their Premium Battle Pass activated - gain Battle Pass Levels to claim grand Rewards!

Stay safe!
