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Сhanges you would like to see in the game

Сhanges you would like to see in the game

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John BlackCharacter
27 трав. 2019, 14:5327.05.19

Сhanges you would like to see in the game

Greetings, Commanders!

We firmly believe that developing a good war strategy game needs a thorough plan and, of course, an open discussion with our players. Currently, we’re finalizing internal development plans for our strategy games. And we would like to hear your thoughts and ideas on which direction we should take to make the game as fun for you as possible. 

Tell us what changes you would like to see in Soldiers Inc. in the comment section under this post. With your feedback in mind, we’ll identify the key focus points for the long term development plan. 

Help us to make the game even better!

27 трав. 2019, 15:5427.05.19


 troppo divario tra giocatori VIP , e giocatori non VIP.

 piccole coalizioni  non crescono ,e sono nelle mani della bramosia di XP  di pochi VIP.

27 трав. 2019, 16:1527.05.19
I'm sorry. But I am still having problems with the app. I have win 10 with edge browser. Many time when I open the app the launch button is not usable. And after this last update when I open the app the page stays black. I can't even use it. So I am forced to continue to use the web browser. I've restarted my computer and cleared my cache and still no luck. It would be nice during events that when the Firedrakes and Creightons are awards need to many points to get any good amount of rewards. Say like the Maulers are awarded the points needed are fewer. Great game, I enjoy it. Keep up the innovations you bring. Sorry I have no revolutionary ideas for you today. But when I do have one I will forward it to you. Just please fix the app. Have a great day!
27 трав. 2019, 16:2727.05.19

There needs to be more clarity when it comes to game play, awards, and features.  Example: GmbH, how and where can this Platinum Agreement be found and how do you obtain one ?

Why do we have special operatives and what do they provide as the ranks and tiers go up ?

Beta Access Codes, how and where can you obtain them ?  Or can you only obtain through purchasing something ?

Just go through the program, provide clarity...

27 трав. 2019, 17:1427.05.19
Pur comprendendo che per i gestori del game ci debba essere un ritorno economico credo, innanzi tutto, che si lasci molto spazio a chi ha la possibilità di spendere per potenziarsi ed è, invece, lasciato poco spazio alla strategia e/o alla tattica. A supporto di quanto espresso cito, per esempio, l'utilizzo dei rinforzi;  allo stato attuale le forze inviate in supporto ad un'altra base possono essere manovrate esclusivamente da chi le ha inviate mentre sarebbe più "tatticamente" corretto lasciare decidere al Comandante che le riceve quando impiegarle in relazione ai tipi di attacco  ai quali si è sottoposti e la forza che si immagina possegga l'avversario di quel momento. Questo è solo un esempio ma spero possa aiutare a migliorare il gioco.
27 трав. 2019, 23:2527.05.19
Add a COLLECT ALL  Button to collect res and rewards 
28 трав. 2019, 00:4928.05.19
For the medical lab I'd like to see a button that says "Combine all up to level 4", rather than just combine all or combine two.
28 трав. 2019, 02:2328.05.19
Hola Comandante , como todos sabemos las Sedes o HQ como son mas conocidos los cuarteles Generales de Grupo solo tienen un hito que les permite mantenerlos en el nivel 5 creo que esto deberia cambiar ya que los Grupos pequeños no podemos mejorar mas y estamos a merced de los Grandes Grupos  al menos deberiamos poder subir la Sede al nivel 7 o 8 hay deberia haber otro hito  y aun asi los Grandes Grupos seguiran teniendo todo el poder , pero los pequeños Grupos estaremos mas contentos mejorando nuestra Sede y en algo nuestras unidades , Otra cosa es los Grandes torneos con grandes premios estan echos para los Grandes Grupos y Los Grandes jugadores o mejor dicho los que pueden gastar en el juego esto Yo lo entiendo porque aparte de un juego es un negocio y asi es como Ustedes pueden desarrollar o mejorar mas el juego , pero al menos una vez al mes  o cuando ustedes lo decidan , deberia haber un torneo para grupos pequeños donde tambien podamos ganar algunos buenos premios o al menos hacer un Torneo de Grupos dependiendo a la cantidad de jugadores que tenga el Grupo ya que es imposible que un Grupo de 2 de 5 o 10 jugadores logre conseguir 1millon en ZHG en un torneo o 2 millones de experiencia , al menos una vez piensen en los pequeños porque nosotros aunque de manera indirecta colaboramos para que Ustedes tengan mejoras , porque somos nosotros los que le damos batalla a los Grandes jugadores , sin mas que decirle me despido de Usted Comandante esperando que esto ayude en algo mucha suerte y saludos.
28 трав. 2019, 21:3828.05.19
28 трав. 2019, 21:42(відредаговано)

ciao ragazzi  cerco  adesioni alla mia coalizione........scrivete,,,,alla ally    by jonny

29 трав. 2019, 09:4929.05.19
It is not a problem that I want to discuss.....Not that I have any but I would like to ask you If there is any possibility that we get to see the Xenomorphs and the Predators again in the game..... I mean..... it was very cool and I would love to see the Alien vs Predator thing again in the game..... Farewell for now....
30 трав. 2019, 16:0130.05.19
I have a small suggestion that would make game play more streamline for us. Can you please reduce the amount of popup windows asking for our/games permission for the action we just selected. Example: When going full screen; do we need an allowance screen or if clicked by mistake wouldn't it be just as easy to click the little button again to minimize???? Also in the Armory section when selling something, do we need the third popup window telling us what we just sold AFTER asking if we were sure???? Thanks T
31 трав. 2019, 03:1231.05.19

I think there that there should probably be a bigger combine thing where combines can formally join together in a "master combine" where they can work as one (coalition) so that they can do tasks together like take a mining complex where rather then combine 1 or combine 2 owning it the "master combine " owns it and they all have to put in if they want too get any thing out of it.

I believe this would make it fairer for smaller combines 
31 трав. 2019, 07:5931.05.19

I would like to see a chart letting me know how many Battle Marks and, Diamonds if we decide to use them, to upgrade our HQ to level 2 up to level 20.

Also, charting to show how many offensive or defensive units or points it would take to destroy high levels in the Search and Destroy department. 

These charts could maybe be placed in the manual.      
6 черв. 2019, 14:0606.06.19

bonjour commandant.

j aimerais que les calculs pour les  combats ZHG soient les mêmes entre Higlands et Badlands 

actuellement cela demande plus de % pour Badlands que pour Higlands  et ceci est dommange .

ett nous sommes nombreux a avoir remarqué ce problème .


7 черв. 2019, 15:0807.06.19
7 черв. 2019, 15:09(відредаговано)

- I would like my radar to show all the repositories within its action area (currently some are hidden by the system).

- I would like my radar to also show the repositories occupied by low level players (currently the range of players I see on the repositories includes only high level players, over level 90-95! ... essentially I only find Power-Player, of level 115, 130 or higher! ... against which I can do nothing!).

- I had thought of introducing a vehicle with an antenna, which works as a repeater for the radar.

In practice, if you place this vehicle inside a base on the map ... it locates all the repositories and depots within a certain radius from it, even if these locations are outside the range of your radar's range (essentially it would be a "mobile radar", which you can place in any base on the map to discover new repo and depo).

- I also thought that in the "mercenary bar" you could introduce a "game room", in which players could challenge each other with mini-games multiplayers, in which they bet resources or objects.

for example, you could load: card games, billiards, dice games (like the Yatzhee), etc.

In addition there would be weekly rankings, where players who have made more high scores in games, take rewards.

In short: a game room to have fun in quiet moments.

11 черв. 2019, 10:0411.06.19

Hello, commanders. Thank you all for your feedback. 

We've gathered it all and pass to devs. I hope that some of your ideas can be implemented in the game in the future. 

Wish you new victories in the game!
15 черв. 2019, 18:3415.06.19
Red Terror said:

- I would like my radar to show all the repositories within its action area (currently some are hidden by the system).

- I would like my radar to also show the repositories occupied by low level players (currently the range of players I see on the repositories includes only high level players, over level 90-95! ... essentially I only find Power-Player, of level 115, 130 or higher! ... against which I can do nothing!).

- I had thought of introducing a vehicle with an antenna, which works as a repeater for the radar.

In practice, if you place this vehicle inside a base on the map ... it locates all the repositories and depots within a certain radius from it, even if these locations are outside the range of your radar's range (essentially it would be a "mobile radar", which you can place in any base on the map to discover new repo and depo).

- I also thought that in the "mercenary bar" you could introduce a "game room", in which players could challenge each other with mini-games multiplayers, in which they bet resources or objects.

for example, you could load: card games, billiards, dice games (like the Yatzhee), etc.

In addition there would be weekly rankings, where players who have made more high scores in games, take rewards.

In short: a game room to have fun in quiet moments.

15 черв. 2019, 18:3515.06.19
patetico idee da bambini . non sai ancora come funziona il radar  PATETICO sta zitto che fai piu bella figura... e va a  letto la notte     debosciato
15 черв. 2019, 18:3915.06.19

bellica ? startegia ??   richieste ??.

 none' piu nulla di questo 

 ci sini solo 10  patetici  ragazzini che girano con migliaia di truppe cobra . e vanno in giro ad uccidere piccoli giocatori. si perche non ce piu' guerra , startegia, divertimento. tutto e' un accordo ormai  accordo con tutti ,   .  avete fatto degli errori.

rimarrano questi 10 ragazzini a giocare tra' di loro..

26 черв. 2019, 11:0026.06.19

Besticio said:

bellica ? startegia ??   richieste ??.

 none' piu nulla di questo 

 ci sini solo 10  patetici  ragazzini che girano con migliaia di truppe cobra . e vanno in giro ad uccidere piccoli giocatori. si perche non ce piu' guerra , startegia, divertimento. tutto e' un accordo ormai  accordo con tutti ,   .  avete fatto degli errori.

rimarrano questi 10 ragazzini a giocare tra' di loro..

Ciao, Besticio. Mi scuso per eventuali errori, sto utilizzando Google Translator.

Certo, puoi affrontare avversari davvero forti in questo gioco. Tuttavia, è un gioco di guerra di strategia hardcore quindi è una parte del gameplay.

Penso che la soluzione migliore per tali situazioni sia quella di un forte gruppo di giocatori. Non ho dubbi che è possibile far fronte anche ai giocatori più forti se stai giocando in un clan attivo.