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Questions that need answering

Questions that need answering

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20 груд. 2017, 13:0720.12.17

Questions that need answering

1.)are resources that have not been collected yet safe from raids? (the clickable stuff over the oil derricks and munitions factory)

2.)if you bubble,and attack someone, can they attack you back even though you are bubbled?

3.)dose my base defense bonus apply to other commander's units stationed at my base when i am attacked?

4.)are the Devs still working on a an anti-missile system?

5.)is there a chart that displays how many points each unit is worth for (PvP)?

6.)are offensive units worth less points when they are destroyed on Defense?

7.)why is the "vulture" faster and have a better recon rating than the "black eagle"?

8.)will the ET's event ever be back?

9.)will the L-78 Mirage and TI-60 Thunderstorm ever be available again?

10.do the % increases from:the LZ, the recruit depot, the ucav deck, +25% production increase (item), and the 7% boost for the referral completion bonus all stack? and are there diminishing returns?

11.)why are there no thulium air craft?

12.)do mining complexes produce "thulium" at all for its controllers?

13.)because its so hard to hold a repository, shouldn't the reward for holding one be better?

14.)will we ever have the option to "sell" instead of "destroy" things like walls, or guns?

15.)do the different types of depots yield different types of equipment?

16.) is it true; if your the first one to a depot you get the first search for free, even if you lose it before its ready?

17.)is there a "power hour" for stimulant boxes? (a duration of time where they appear more frequently)

18.)shouldn't partners be able to move more than 50k resources or (2) referrals to each other?

19.)is it possible to see when my partners "farms" are raided?

20.)is there (and if there is not) shouldn't there be:a warning before raiding an ally?  

if i could get these questions answered, i and my combine would greatly appreciate it.
21 груд. 2017, 09:0821.12.17
21 груд. 2017, 09:11(відредаговано)

We will answer your questions in cooperation ! 

I will answer the first five, then someone else will answer the other five, and so on. 

1. Resources that have not been harvested at ammunition factories and oil derricks are not protected.

2. If you attack someone while you have total protection, your protection is canceled (there is a message reminding you of this).

3. Yes, it applies.

4. I know that on Sparta FB there is a city shema that allows the protection of assassins (missile on soldiers). It also brings other bonuses. So it's likely that it exists on Soldier (plarium.com) someday. See an overview.

5. It maybe what you are looking for here.

Who to answer the following 5 ? 

21 груд. 2017, 09:1321.12.17
I pin your subject temporarily until you have all the answers. 
21 груд. 2017, 16:3421.12.17

Hello, Commander! Let's clarify some points:

6) Which points do you mean here, Sir? 

7) These are different types of Units. They have different prices to train and relevant skill levels. 

8) It will for sure, but, unfortunately, for now, we have no information regarding any dates or time frames. 

9) Only as a reward for special events :)

10) If I got you right, yes, all the bonuses are summed up.

Who to answer the following 5? 

21 груд. 2017, 21:2421.12.17
23 груд. 2017, 01:32(відредаговано)

Hello Commander...

11)  There is 3 Thulium Aircraft,,Its a defensive unit called Ten-Alpha Hailstorm and 2 recons called XV 15 Vulture and Z1 Black Eagle

12)  No Sir..Mining Complexes do not produce Thulium,,There is only 2 options for producing/ mining Thulium..1 is in you Stock Exchange the other in a Thulium Repository located in your Radar.. Thulium is sometimes offered as part of the Event rewards. but is considered a rare /precious metal..therefore harder to obtain than resources

13)   The amount vs time for mining a Repository is balanced by the benefit received for the amount of Thulium harvested..Please note that there is a 25% and a 50% Repository Gatherer bonus that can be applied to reduce the time spend in Repositories..These boost are located in the Black Market under the Misc. tab

14)  That is a possibility..Plarium is always looking for ways to keep the game evolving and interesting .

15) Yes Sir,,While some items may be offered in multiple Depots, there will be some items only associated with the "type" of Depot you hold..

27 груд. 2017, 11:1927.12.17
27 груд. 2017, 13:23(відредаговано)

16. After capturing a repository, if you do not click the "harvest" button before receiving a successful attack or not, no item is given to you.    For deposits, you recover resources, either when you harvest manually or when the countdown is complete. If you receive a successful attack, the harvest is canceled.

17. To my knowledge, no. And even if there is one, it could not be unveiled !

18. No, the 50k limit has been set so that players with multiple accounts can not send an unlimited amount of resources to their home base. So that will not change in the future. I remind that multiaccounts are not allowed.

19. If I do not say stupidity, normally yes. Look at the screenshot.

20. I passed your suggestion to the developers.

I believe we answered all your questions Commander ! I hope we have responded well ? 

Have a nice day sir !

31 груд. 2017, 13:2731.12.17

the Direwolves thanks you for all of your assistance and thank you for your time. you have been a great help. 

we're thinking up a new batch of questions so keep an eye out for us. 2018 is going to be a big year for us.

happy new year!!!
2 січ. 2018, 17:0702.01.18

Lt.Stone said:

the Direwolves thanks you for all of your assistance and thank you for your time. you have been a great help. 

we're thinking up a new batch of questions so keep an eye out for us. 2018 is going to be a big year for us.

happy new year!!!

Hello, Commander! If you have other questions, please let us know! 

Also, Happy New Year, Commanders! We wish you all the best!    
2 січ. 2018, 17:4802.01.18

as for question 6:are offensive units worth less points when they are destroyed on defense?

i had an X-caliber sitting in  the front yard and it only gave 5 PvP points for destroying it. 

would it have given more if the X-caliber was attacking me and it was destroyed? 

6 січ. 2018, 18:1306.01.18

at the bottom of the screen are befriended commanders shortcuts/ it also displays their Level in a small diamond. 

sometimes this diamond is green, blue, or red. what do the different colors mean? 
6 січ. 2018, 18:2806.01.18

Lt.Stone said:

as for question 6:are offensive units worth less points when they are destroyed on defense?

i had an X-caliber sitting in  the front yard and it only gave 5 PvP points for destroying it. 

would it have given more if the X-caliber was attacking me and it was destroyed? 

I'm not sure of your question, but what I can tell you is that if someone attacks you and you put your defense, you will gain more points than the attacker even if you lose the fight ( on the other hand if the attacker has a lot of power in front of your defense, he takes the advantage for the points).   

Have I answered your question ?

6 січ. 2018, 18:3506.01.18
6 січ. 2018, 18:35(відредаговано)

elli_valentine said:

at the bottom of the screen are befriended commanders shortcuts/ it also displays their Level in a small diamond. 

sometimes this diamond is green, blue, or red. what do the different colors mean? 

The different colors signify your status with a commander :   

- Green : you are in partnership with this commander ; 

- Blue / Neutral : you are a simple friend with this commander ; 

- Red : commander that you have added to your friend list. He is a friend commander on whom you have launched an offensive action.  

10 січ. 2018, 15:2710.01.18
thanks, you guys are great!
10 січ. 2018, 15:4310.01.18
Lt.Stone said:

thanks, you guys are great!

14 лют. 2018, 15:3714.02.18
was wondering how do i cancel a troop construction order. I ordered troops that i did not mean to order? 
14 лют. 2018, 16:0314.02.18


You can't cancel a unit production launched and or bought at the black market unfortunately. But nothing is lost, it will always be won.

27 берез. 2018, 16:5827.03.18

hello again. i am currently executive Lv.10 and i keep getting more points. i think i have something like 12,000 now and was wondering if there will ever be something that can be done with the extra points, or maybe higher possible rankings in the future? thanks again.

28 берез. 2018, 10:0228.03.18

Hello Commander !

Yes, there will probably be new levels of executive but there is no specific date to my knowledge.

I think the devs are waiting for the finalization of the new engine to embed new features.

5 квіт. 2018, 07:5505.04.18
what are the benefits to hiring someone's merc? it puts the dog tags on their profile at the bottom of the screen and turns it green, but is there any other benefit? i just want to know if i should be choosing who's merc i hire more carefully? 
5 квіт. 2018, 19:1105.04.18
elli_valentine said:

what are the benefits to hiring someone's merc? it puts the dog tags on their profile at the bottom of the screen and turns it green, but is there any other benefit? i just want to know if i should be choosing who's merc i hire more carefully? 
Commander..You have a very good question,, There is no benefit/difference other than knowing at a quick glance at the friend bar who you are helping with mercs..It is always best to click only on Combine members Mercs,,That way you are helping your Combine/"brother in arms" becume a little stronger
6 квіт. 2018, 09:0306.04.18
6 квіт. 2018, 09:05(відредаговано)

Commander elli_valentine,    

In addition to being free, we can add that the Mercenaries don't consume rations. They can be used as offensive or defensive units and have a greater capacity for "storage" for looting resources.   

By buying mercenary kits you can create up to 25 Mercenaries a day. By developing the training phase corresponding, to the training center, you can maintain a total of 70 Mercenaries.