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Offline for maintenance???

Offline for maintenance???

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12 лип. 2021, 11:5012.07.21

Offline for maintenance???

Ok, so ingame a message was sent that the server would go offline in 3 minutes and that maintenance would last for 15 minutes. Half an hour later, NOT 3 minutes later, the server went offline. Now more than an hour afterwards, still offline as loading gets stuck at 99%.

Why does Plarium time and time again mess up? I quit spending on this game ever since you made it so hyper expensive, however there are still people who do spend. Regardless whether someone spends or not, your f*%k ups are costing people units/diamonds/resource/boosters = money. Please, whenever you are thinking of some update, do NOT do these shortly before tournaments end as people are in the middle of gathering points.

This is not the first time this happens, nor will it be the last time I am afraid as reaction of game support and moderators here on this forum are virtually non existent.

Time to get better at delivering proper support Plarium, you are never having any issues accepting money from those who pay your wages!

13 лип. 2021, 13:4013.07.21

Commander there was an issue with the maintenance resulting in the game loading till 99%. If you are sure this caused you any losses ( units/diamonds/resource/boosters) you are invited to submit a ticket to Plarium Support and inform them.