André-Claude17 квіт. 2023, 04:2917.04.2316.01.171dronesj'ai débloqué des emplacements dans le batiment Pont des drones. Mais je ne sais pas comment ajouter les bonus pour remplir les emplacments débloqués. / How add bonus in unlock location? i
André-Claude17 квіт. 2023, 10:1517.04.2316.01.171Onkel, I completed over 75% of the protocols, but never got any additional bonuses in the process
{****}GENERAL{****}Moderator18 квіт. 2023, 06:2318.04.2318 квіт. 2023, 06:23(відредаговано)14.02.19664Commander said by Onkel Flamer you need to develop protocols . See your own picture at the bottum i