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Please Review Combine Conflict Tiers

Please Review Combine Conflict Tiers

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17 груд. 2022, 07:3017.12.22

Please Review Combine Conflict Tiers

There are 6 Tiers for combines to be ranked in for the conflict.  


The First four tiers seem about right for the rankings, but then if you do too well in the GOLD Tier, you are now against other combines that are way too powerful.  

EXAMPLE:   This week on the Highland server, if you make 7.6 million points this week, you will then be placed in DIAMOND tier, which are combines that earned 7.6 million points all the way up to 71.3 million points.    

Many combines in the GOLD tier do not wat to do too well, because if they hit that threshold, they will be killed in DIAMOND Tier with the other combines.

There should either be more Tiers added, or rebalanced for the DIAMOND Tier.   

Too many combines are purposely not scoring points so they do not get absolutely destroyed, takes fun out of the game.

Thank you

19 груд. 2022, 16:4119.12.22
19 груд. 2022, 16:43(відредаговано)

Commander I fully understand your question/remark/comment.

The Tiers are not that important to be honest. The only thing is the rewards are different and you need a higher score. Well that what determines where you fight.

The Tier you get in and the Combine who is your next opponent is based in the score you had in the previous Combine Conclict. Many combines have their own strategy and choose to fight in a lower Tier by scoring less points. They go to a lower tier and there they score high to get max rewards. Its just a strategy you have to decide as a Combine. So again: your next opponent is always an opponent who had about the same score your Combine had in the previous Conflict,

Besides that: its always possible to make a deal with your opponent to get both max rewards :)

Good luck in getting the best Strategy Commander

2 січ. 2023, 22:5702.01.23


I'm Pretty Sure Wayneeb2 was Referring to the (TOP 10) Combines for those Tiers.

Not the Opposing team they get Paired up against.

what the Direwolves have to do and have done since the Conflicts were introduced is: "MASH THE GAS" when we are in the GOLD Tier, which Drops us into the DIAMOND tier next week.

once there, we "TAP THE BREAKS" and try not to go OVER the Point Range Required for the GOLD Tier again so the Following week, we will be BACK in the GOLD again.

EVERY SINGLE TIME we have EVER been in the GOLD Tier, we place Somewhere in the (TOP 10) Combines.

HOWEVER, something has changed somewhere down the Line and now how much your COMBINE Scores TOTAL isnt what is Deciding whatTier you End up in.

i understand there are 2 different Conflicts now and they (Flip-flop) Bi-weekly,

one: is based off JUST THE POINTS YOU ALL EARN.

the Other: is Based off of How much Of EACH Section your WHOLE team has Done. (I.E: Spec Ops, gear selling, Locations, Crates, PvP, Bla bla bla...)

what i DONT understand is why sometimes my team scores WELL OVER 3 million Points and are STILL in the GOLD tier the Following week when the Cut off for the GOLD Tier was around 500k points.

other Times, we Barely score 400k and the Target range to Enter the Diamond is like 700k but we get dropped there ANYWAYS.

its REALLY Hard to Coordinate with my Team about when and where we are going to make a GO on Position#1 for the TOP 10 Combines when we dont get the heads up about what TIER we are even in until a day or so before the conflict starts.

i tell my people, "TAP THE BREAKS" dont score too much so we can drop back to the GOLD, and next thing i know, one of my combine mates are yelling on the Combine Chat "WE ARE IN THE GOLD TIER AGAIN GOGOGOGOGO!!!" you know?

so now my team has all been sitting on their thumbs since the Conflict started assuming we were in the Diamond becuase we Scored 2 Million last Conflict and we are NOT suppose to be HERE.

is there a PAGE somewhere that i can check out that has more information on this?

also, the Conflicts USE to have "HELP" information regarding the Point system that was applied to all off the Different ACTIONS you can do DURING the Conflict to SCORE points.

but was Removed a While back.

is there an (Updated) Page somewhere that has THIS information on it.

any information regarding this would be Greatly Appreciated. thanks.

Also, we are on the "Highlands" Server. "Base Location": -165;-1080

"Fight Hard, And Good Hunting"

_____The Direwolves

Onkel FlamerModerator
6 січ. 2023, 11:1706.01.23

Keep in mind there are 2 types of conflicts , the normal CC and the Omega , the score you do now , will count towards the position after 2 weeks.

Also keep in mind there are combines that score less in higher brackets on purpose , to get downgeaded and aim for the top rankins in 2 weeks , using it as a strategy.I hope I answered your questions.As for the brackets , that is for the developers to add more.

Hope Ive answered your questions

16 квіт. 2023, 14:0816.04.23
16 квіт. 2023, 14:12(відредаговано)

i agree there needs to be another tier or adjust the points.  1/2 mill puts you in diamond and impossible to get top 10.. gold should go to say like 1- 3m or something and diamond start at 5 or whatever.. there is no incentive in diamond unless in a huge combine with the big coiners.  we have to retard our game play to stay out of diamond .. and now there are so many bots, its even harder, but that's another subject

DariaCommunity Manager
21 квіт. 2023, 10:5621.04.23
Loreen ~ BW

i agree there needs to be another tier or adjust the points.  1/2 mill puts you in diamond and impossible to get top 10.. gold should go to say like 1- 3m or something and diamond start at 5 or whatever.. there is no incentive in diamond unless in a huge combine with the big coiners.  we have to retard our game play to stay out of diamond .. and now there are so many bots, its even harder, but that's another subject

Commander, thanks for your comment. Just recently, we had a Combine Conflict update. I hope you enjoy these changes and look forward to hearing feedback from you 💪

11 трав. 2023, 11:4011.05.23

If it is plarium's intention to purposely NOT want players to play the game in order to get less points, then the system,, as designed currently, is doing just that.  However, it is counter-intuitive to suggest players NOT play the game say for a whole 2 days of a CC in order to avoid gaining points that result in them not moving up into a higher tier.  Players are people, not AI players.  I think plarium is completely missing the point.  People WANT to play the game because of its enjoyment factor.  Suggesting players NOT play it to get less points is... pointless.   The issue is very easily solved.  Add more tiers that have point brackets that are realistic to gameplay statistics. 

DariaCommunity Manager
17 трав. 2023, 10:4117.05.23

If it is plarium's intention to purposely NOT want players to play the game in order to get less points, then the system,, as designed currently, is doing just that.  However, it is counter-intuitive to suggest players NOT play the game say for a whole 2 days of a CC in order to avoid gaining points that result in them not moving up into a higher tier.  Players are people, not AI players.  I think plarium is completely missing the point.  People WANT to play the game because of its enjoyment factor.  Suggesting players NOT play it to get less points is... pointless.   The issue is very easily solved.  Add more tiers that have point brackets that are realistic to gameplay statistics. 

Thanks for your comment, Commander. And I understand your concern. Our team has never encouraged players not to play a game or participate in any event. On the contrary, they always try to improve the gaming experience. Your suggestion is great, but the team is not ready to implement it in the near future due to other priorities. However, if I know of any changes in this regard, it will be shared with the community. Appreciate your input 💪