Hi, I'm not much of a FORUM person, but I was browsing around earlier and I noticed this topic and the lively discussions that followed. There are many good ideas that have been mentioned above. I've thought about this topic most the day and after much thought, here are some items I wish to comment on. There are always 2 (or more) sides to every issue...and normally both sides feel they are right. Well on this topic there is probably not a definitive right or wrong.
First, all decisions you make in life should be made rationally, clear of emotions and not off-the-cuff reactions to something. Always step back, take a deep breath, clear your mind, put yourself in the other person's shoes...see the pros/cons of the issue, weigh what is right and wrong, prioritize what an appropriate response might be, ask for inputs from others. After all this...then act on what you believe is the best course of action.
It is too easy to just say...this is a war game, I attack who I want and when I want. I don't believe any successful general/leader ever does that. If they do they are not successful for very long. This game is like chess, played with strategy and tactics. What moves can I make that will, in the long run make me (and my friends) successful.
There is a reason why diplomacy is part of this game. I grew up under the motto..."Cooperate and Graduate"...meaning help others out and also accept the help of others. No man is an island. Sure there are those who feel they can go it alone, if they join a combine or a diplomatic alliance, it's to figure out how to use the combine/diplomacy to their benefit/advantage in a way that they can "use others". These are not good teammates. They don't want rules, guidance or instructions. Basically they are rogue "wild canons".
OK I'm getting off the subject. If you have a friend (diplomacy), you want to do what is best for both of you. Like a doctor's oath...to do no harm. So, since the game concept has diplomacy, then the developers do not want everyone to just fight against each other all the time. Diplomatic cooperation means there has to be some sort of rules, agreements, truces.
Diplomacy's main rule is to not attack the Main Base, MCs or HQ of diplomatic members. After that I've played (at various times) under the rule to do no harm to diplomatic members at Farms/Occupations, Repos and Depots...as well rules that state these areas are "free play" zones (no rules).
Well because diplomatic combines make agreements to mutually get ahead, I've seen where they have coordinated attacks on each other's MCs and HQs, in order to gain tourney points and for upgrade/achievement badge advancements. But this is done ONLY AFTER COORDINATION has been discussed between all involved (diplomacy was given a chance to work). Sometimes this coordination takes place days before the designated actions. Yes, I've seen even some of the best laid-out plans go wrong and accidental mistakes made...which results in a lot of ill-feelings and toes being stepped on. Honest mistakes do happen. Life is not easy.
Anyway, if diplomatic cooperation can be done for HQ and MC missions...then why can't this diplomatic cooperation also work for Farms, Repos and Depots? Send a Recon mission to these areas and if you see diplomatic member there send a message and ask for a cooperative raid to occur, and then state you will RETURN THE FAVOR to that member. What's wrong with advance communication? If you can't communicate your desired actions in advance...THEN STAY AWAY.
Now, if you feel a diplomatic member is "monopolizing" all the "choice properties", then send a message and ask them to "share". A cooperative diplomacy member will allow it. If the member is non-cooperative ... message the CEO about this non-cooperation and have the CEO deal with it. Cooperate and graduate.
I've taken too much time putting my thoughts on paper, I hope you get the gist of what I've stated.
By the way, I do not go to repos/depots (too many players that just will not agree with what I've stated above)...so going to these places will only create issues. And as far as farms go...I only need 3. And if I want to keep them, then I defend them. Don't want to defend them, then don't have them.