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Second time game has gotten buggy and revive wrong units

Second time game has gotten buggy and revive wrong units

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30 квіт. 2017, 20:2130.04.17

Second time game has gotten buggy and revive wrong units

Good day,

Let me explained what happened, about two months ago 3rd of March to be exact. I encountered a glitch while reviving some of my more expensive units. For some weird reason the game instead decided to revive 1007 Sappers at a cost 3,525 Diamonds. Let me be clear that I was on the last page and the units there were all tanks, choppers, etc valuable units and no basic units on that page. The only thing that I noticed was unusual was that when clicking revive the game started flickering rapidly and that was when i noticed my diamonds were gone and upon closer inspection discovered that i had 1400 plus sappers in my bunker. 

Fortunately, my diamonds were refunded and while I was appreciative of the gesture. I was less than pleased that your side use a cookie cutter response indicating that the fault was on my end stating that I should double check all revival before clicking confirm. Pray tell how can I made a wrong purchase when the sappers are on the first page and I was on the last? However, since my diamonds were refunded, I just bit my tongue as the customer support are just doing their job and they don't dictate policy's.

Unfortunately, The same thing happened about roughly 2 hours ago during the 75% revival offer in which while trying to revive a single YAN-200 and after clicking revive, i exit the page and noticed that I only have a balance of 3373 Diamonds left instead of 5000 plus diamonds. When I checked my bunker, I found that the game had revived all 975 rifleman.

This is getting to be quite tiresome and I am not in the mood to hear a cookie cutter excuse like it's my fault i selected the wrong units and we are not going to refund you this time because the last time was a favor as it was actually your fault. I bit my tongue that time but this time I am not going to hold back as I do not as a paying customer appreciate being blamed for some game glitch that your side failed to rectify whether it's due to incompetence or laziness on both occasions. Please do not give pathetic excuses like double check before reviving as one, the rifleman is on the first page and the YAN-200 is on the 7 or 8 page so kindly enlighten me as to how could I made such an error especially when the game asks me to confirm my purchase first? And no the game did not flicker this time, I click confirm and exit and found 975 Rifleman in my bunker instead

I have already reported the bug earlier but frankly I expect to hear an excuse like it was my fault and I won't be refunded. 

While the diamonds lost may not have cause me any money this time as it was mainly won from multiple tournaments. That is not the issue nor an excuse to feign ignorance nor blame the customer is careless. I was tempted to purchase a starter pack on Total Domination as I was contemplating trying out that game. But seeing as such a  big glitch has still not being rectified, I will no longer be spending any more money on any of your games as I am in no mood to go through this whole procedure every time. In actuality, this glitch is actually a godsend as I will no longer be tempted to buy any more special offer packs.

I personally believe that there's no such thing a a free lunch in this world and in truth I do not mind paying for the game if I enjoyed it even if it's considered free to play as I honestly don't believe in that term as everyone has to earn a living. 

If I had being playing for free from day one then I would not have being bothered about the glitch nor ask for a refund and at the most just report it  but seeing that the management will very likely refuse to refund me this time and instead try to place the blame on me a paying customer means that I will not let them off so easily this time. I may not be a big spender like some gamers but that does not mean that Plarium can insult me.

Please note that I am not blaming the customer representative or the moderators here as they are merely doing their job. Rather I am blaming the management for their incompetence for not ensuring that such glitches are rectify immediately. I have worked in customer service before and  unfortunately have encountered many times where the management just do not care about their customers and are instead obsessed with implementing ridiculous policies that only serves to antagonize their customers instead.

Thank you

2 трав. 2017, 15:0402.05.17

Hi Zenki,

No, that's the worse and most dangerous part is that unlike the first time which at least the screen flickered rapidly to give me an indication that something may have gone wrong. 

This time the game acted normally as in no crash, game freeze, screen flickering rapidly, error message of any kind. All i did was click confirm to revive 1 unit of YAN-200 which was on the page number 7 or 8 while the rifleman was on the first page. The next thing I know after exiting the revival screen I noticed I am about 1600 diamonds short and realizing that the developers still haven't fix such a dangerous bug.

I say dangerous because this bug involves using diamonds=money to revive of all things basic units which in this case for me was first Sappers and then Rifleman. The best part is that it doesn't revive with the same amount you spend e.g. i revived the YAN-200 at the discount offer for about 32 diamonds and bad enough Rifleman were revived but the game decided to revived all my rifleman 975 worth 1600+ instead of 32 diamonds worth of rifleman.

That shows that the management has gotten their priority wrong as instead of getting this bug fix asap which is dangerous because it involves missing money for those who bought diamonds. They are more concern with fixing a bug that I consider very minor at best which is the unread report bug. That one is more of a annoyance and can easily be rectified by reloading the game.

This bug however requires me to contact support each time and explained in detail what happened and the first time i got a basic response of nothing wrong on our system, be more careful when reviving units and we will only refund you this one time as a special favor bla bla bla.  I expect this time the response to be more like we warned you to be careful, it's my fault so no refund and good day. Lucky for me the diamonds lost this time were all won from tournaments unlike the first time which was purchased with real money so it's no big deal if they don't want to refund.

What I don't like is management instead of taking responsibility and quickly fixing this bug decides to take the easy way out and blame the customer for being careless. If they have at least acknowledge that it was a bug and made an effort to fix it then I would have give them due credit for being professional.

 No i am not blaming customer support or the moderators as there is very little they can do on their own other than to report the matter to the management and giving whatever answer management tells them to.

All i can say is Zenki just take care and double check after reviving your units to make sure the game revives the correct units and diamonds spend.

2 трав. 2017, 20:2402.05.17
Sir..First let me tell you that Management cares very much about the game/functions /and your enjoyment of Soldier...While we can not do anything at the Forum level..Support has the technology to access your game, we do not possess that ability at the Forum level..Please contact Support about this matter..Support will do everything they can to rectify this matter in a fair and proper way...Bugs happen..Glitches happens and there is really no way to prevent them..It's part of the Internet..I hope Support can help you with this and since it has happened  twice , maybe they will look alittle deeper into your game..Good Luck Sir
3 трав. 2017, 19:2903.05.17

Hi Robertshatz

Thank you for the info and I understand that while only Support can help me with this bug. My main aim in writing on the Forum is to give a heads up to other players as I honestly consider this bug to be very a serious matter as it has on both occasions caused me to lose quite a bit of diamonds in exchange for restoring very basic units. 

I agree that while bugs and glitches do happened and can't be avoided, my main concern is that management did not take this matter seriously the first time and instead had the customer representative reply with a cookie cutter answer saying they found nothing wrong and practically placed the blame on me instead by saying I am careless. Yes, I agree that there are some players who were use such a excuse to get a refund because of their own carelessness or due to impulse purchase. 

Even if management did not believe me or want to openly acknowledge that such a bug exists, they should at the very least investigate the matter thoroughly because diamonds=money and there are quite a number of players who do not mind using money to make in game purchases either because they really like the game or as a show of support for the company. Important rule of running a business is never antagonize a paying customer and to take their complaint seriously. This is the second time in a two months interval I encountered this bug and even if they do refund me this time. There is no point if the bug isn't fix as it can easily happened again in the future and it's both tedious and a hassle having to lodge a report each time.

Lastly, Support has already replied to me yesterday and I already provided them with additional info and I am currently waiting for their reply. Hopefully, they will be able to solve the matter as soon as possible.

Thank you

12 трав. 2017, 15:3312.05.17


Since there was no reply from support for more than a week. I contacted them on Thursday morning which was yesterday regarding the status of my case. 

Unfortunately, I received a rather baffling reply later in the day in which my case has been submitted for further revision which is fine. The part I find confusing is why would they changed my case to 'Solved' and saying they will contact me if they need any more information. There was no mention of whether I would be refunded or rejected.

Now if management requires more time to decide whether to refund me or not, then fine I understand but pray tell why would they ever want to changed the status of my case to solved? The word solved implies that either they have decide to refund me or not at all and in this case neither has been done.

Management must at the very least have the courtesy to inform me that the decision to refund will only be done once they have finish their investigation and that they need some time to do so and will get back to me within a specific time frame.

That way is more appropriate rather than listing my case as solved is frankly misleading and an insult to the customer since my original complaint has not been solved in any way at all. If management wishes to have a quota where all cases are listed as solved within a specific time frame regardless whether it has actually been solve or not. That is frankly their problem as I am not in the habit of giving face to management when they do not even have the courtesy to update me and I had to chase them for an answer instead.

At the very least, put the status of my case to pending otherwise whoever looks into my case at a glance without going through the details will just cheerfully inform me that my case has been solved were I to inquire in the future and made the matter even way worse.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
15 трав. 2017, 11:0615.05.17
That is a standard reply in such cases when bugs are reported. they will contact you only if they need more info. 
16 трав. 2017, 21:0116.05.17

Hello Alyona,

I understand the situation and also appreciate the fact that there is very little that either support or the forum moderators can do on their own other than to give a cookie cutter answer which is provided by management.

The problem here is that the answer used is very wrong even if it's a standard reply. Yes standard replies are the norm in any organisation and there's nothing wrong with that. However, the standard reply must match the situation and cannot simply be use as a one size fits all.

For e.g. don't tell me in a situation where a user's writes in to complain about being charge double for a purchase and after providing all the details. Customer support just reply with a thank you and your case has been forwarded, we will contact you if we need further details. In the meantime, I have marked your case as solved.

Little wonder if the customer doesn't get angry and start blasting the company for not taking them seriously and just trying to sweep the case under the carpet in order to fulfill their monthly quota. Yes, I am aware that support too has a quota to fill and that like any department they will try and mark as many cases as possible solved so that management will be happy and pretend everything is going smoothly. Hence the reason why the game has been getting more buggy as reported by other players.

As I said earlier, the correct standard reply is to inform the customer that the case has been forwarded for investigation and we might need to contact you for more details. Please also understand that it may take some time before we can get back to you with our outcome which will typically take insert time frame. 

That way is more appropriate and at the very least gives the customer the impression that they are taking the case seriously. I understand that refunds in any industry takes time and I don't expect Plarium to just refund me my diamonds immediately after lodging a complaint as to be fair they have to investigate to see if I am telling the truth and that such a bug really exist or I am just plain careless. 

Standard replies are fine when use correctly, but if Plarium has only 1 type of standard reply to use for all situations. All I can say is god help them as it means management is seriously incompetent and after a while people will start abandoning the game for something better.

Thank you 

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
17 трав. 2017, 10:2517.05.17
bobo88 said:

That way is more appropriate and at the very least gives the customer the impression that they are taking the case seriously. I understand that refunds in any industry takes time and I don't expect Plarium to just refund me my diamonds immediately after lodging a complaint as to be fair they have to investigate to see if I am telling the truth and that such a bug really exist or I am just plain careless. 

If you had any losses that you want to reimburse, you need to submit a ticket in Losses category, not in bug reports.
18 трав. 2017, 19:5718.05.17

Hello Alyona,

Thank you for the advice though it would have been much better if I were inform of this earlier as I was under the impression that only one ticket was required since my original report was pretty much clear on the subject that I lost diamonds due to a bug so it's kind of obvious that I am also trying to get a refund.

In addition, when I lodged my first report regarding the same bug about two months plus ago. It was also under bug reports and I was refunded without any mention of needing to file a separate ticket for refunds so I assumed that it was the same process with this case. 

While I understand that management may have change the policy and require customers to submit separate tickets for each category. I feel that submitting another ticket would actually cause more confusion and consume not just more time but manpower as well especially if two different people were to handle each case separately. 

Regardless, I would like to inform that support has contacted me earlier in the day with their findings. Unfortunately, they were unable to replicate the bug/glitch that I encountered. Fortunately, there was merit in my case so support has already refunded me my diamonds and remove the 975 Rifleman from my account.

I have already replied earlier to support thanking them for their assistance and hopefully this bug/glitch will be rectified in the next update. I would also like to thank the moderators here for their assistance.

Lastly, my advice still stands the same. Always double check after reviving your units to make sure the game revives the correct units and diamonds spend. If you notice anything amiss like a large amount of diamonds gone missing and you suddenly have a large number of units that you know you didn't revive. Immediately contact support and explain in detail what happen and whatever you do don't use the units especially in PvP. Just keep them in the bunker until support has contacted you with their decision.

Thank you

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
19 трав. 2017, 09:1819.05.17