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event reward

event reward

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20 берез. 2017, 01:1520.03.17

event reward

guys!!!!..................i don't know f this is some bug: this "personal event" if u done the quest it given when i claimed it didn't register..rewards ...it always change to another quest.........it makes me headache...................also this patrick clove event were you claimed something above for free.....if i claimed, it didn't register the reward except this 5 pelican helicopter......ex.10k(munition,fuel,goods) didn't register..... i expecting about much reward so i upgrade like a madman. If i claimed it didn't registered *sigh it frustrate me even more.. zzz
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
20 берез. 2017, 16:0120.03.17

Please be aware that such issues should be directed to the technical specialists from our Support Team. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you on Forum.

Please follow this link and submit a ticket: https://plariumsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

20 берез. 2017, 23:4220.03.17
delapena.robin said:

guys!!!!..................i don't know f this is some bug: this "personal event" if u done the quest it given when i claimed it didn't register..rewards ...it always change to another quest.........it makes me headache...................also this patrick clove event were you claimed something above for free.....if i claimed, it didn't register the reward except this 5 pelican helicopter......ex.10k(munition,fuel,goods) didn't register..... i expecting about much reward so i upgrade like a madman. If i claimed it didn't registered *sigh it frustrate me even more.. zzz
Sir..Check your Black Market for your resources ..under the proper tabs...The rewards should/will go directly to your bunker and Black Market..You can access those resources by activating the tab beloe the resource amount ..If they are not there then..Please contact Support..Support has the technology to access your game and will be able to identify and correct any issues that need attention
23 берез. 2017, 02:3523.03.17

do you mean this "activate" in resource tab? were a number available in its resource........

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
23 берез. 2017, 13:3723.03.17
delapena.robin said:

do you mean this "activate" in resource tab? were a number available in its resource........

Yes, that's exactly what he means :)
24 берез. 2017, 00:1524.03.17
delapena.robin said:

do you mean this "activate" in resource tab? were a number available in its resource........

Sir...In Black Market under the resource tab..you will find all your resources...Fuel, Ammo, Rations..under each of the appropriate tab will be purchase amount/quanity..In those boxes, lets take the 50k for exampe..in the 50k section you will see the option to purchase, in that box, directly under the package..you should see an amount with a bar under that says activate...that ammount is what you have already in store, but you have to activate them as needed...Doing it this way was to benefit a player..and keep resources from wasting
27 берез. 2017, 03:1127.03.17
sorry just joined
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
27 берез. 2017, 13:5427.03.17
sfdsamuelt32 said:

sorry just joined
Welcome to our Forum! :) Do you have any questions?
28 берез. 2017, 00:3528.03.17
sfdsamuelt32 said:

sorry just joined
Commander,,,That is ok..We are glad to have you on game...If you have anymore questions or concerns , please do not hesitate to ask..We are here to help you