12 квіт. 2016, 20:0612.04.16
Greetings. Please let me know if you still have this issue.
Please follow this instruction:
1. Access Chrome -> More Tools -> Developer Tools - http://screencast.com/t/dXnNlwFTV8y6
2. Access Network tab http://screencast.com/t/rRKZ9T9bsG
3. Try to access the game
4. Do the right click on any line and tick Save as HAR with content http://screencast.com/t/gxsrje20g
5. Input the following command in cmd: tracert plarium.hs.llnwd.net Then make a screenshot of it.
6. Send this information to our Support Team: http://support.plarium.com/Tickets/Submit/.
They will help you to resolve it.