Mimie 7 жовт. 2018, 01:2507.10.1816.07.156RelocatorHiI can t use my relocator.Precise or random one doesn t want to work and i really need it .Please anyone can help me. Thanks
Bill0Almorra8 жовт. 2018, 06:1908.10.181408Hello Commander, Can you tell me exactly where you are stuck please ? Feel free to take screenshots.Here's how to create a bug report.
Mimie 8 жовт. 2018, 08:3008.10.1816.07.156HiI can t send screenshot because when i click on relocator nothing happen. Precise or random relocator nothing happen when i click on
Bill0Almorra8 жовт. 2018, 13:2608.10.181408Okay, what platform are you on ? (plarium.com or FB). Do you play from the Plarium Play app ?
DeletedTechnical Support9 жовт. 2018, 14:1609.10.184521Mimie said:Plarium.comIf you play on the Badlands server, then the relocation slots are unavailable there. They can be released in the future updates.