19 серп. 2018, 15:4319.08.18
July 30th mishap
I find it interesting how I am asking plarium support to deal my issue fairly. I opened 2 tickets on this and both were closed saying issue resolved. You had serious command issues and jet lag on July 30th al night between 6pm and 10pm when I signed off with command issues even after I refreshed 3x. Next night I tried to copy reports on my timeline but guess what this function was no longer working in games confirmed by many players and still not working to this day (last time it worked was July 29ht 2018). Instead of resolving this and acknowledging the issue I am being told off by support and my tickets are being closed. So my question is how do you normally resolve this with players do we need to be VIP to get our issues looked at. I have sent on that night what was happening. I submitted accounts of what happened. All I saw was lowered packages to try to assuage the issue. In all fairness please return lost troops and all will be good. You will still have made money off me and I will have gotten what I lost due to mishap. Please do not close this ticket as well as this will then need to be escalated. I have been honest in what happened and fair. I did ask for report to see what happened that night so I could understand how the drakes, especially them were exposed and obliterated of course by an attacker who took advantage of this.